7. Mother

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Knott leave hotel room at 7pm. He excuse himself as he has another appointment with his friends. After saying good bye and wishing the couple to have nice weekend, Knott walk out.
Knott just pick up Arthit' parent as their son ondaway from customer factory visit with his co-worker. He ask his help as Knott have car and familiar with his parent. Rojnapat's couple had make sudden visit to Bangkok and Arthit fluster because he is busy and have not time to prepare hospitality for his parent.
Luckily Knott willing to pick up them from bus station and Kongpop help book a room at hotel nearby.

“P'Arthit ask me to bring both of you to dinner first. He will directly go to the cafe from his office” Kongpop tell them as he see Rojnapat couple ready to go out.
Mr.Rojnapat nod and follow his son' friend to the elevator with his wife. After Knott pick up them this evening, Knott has directly send them to hotel and has Kongpop waiting for them. Knott as introduce Kongpop as Arthit's reliable junior.
In his opinion, Kongpop hold such good manner. He respect his senior and other. He willing  to help people and friendly even with strangers or first timer meeting like him. Such well-being and loving person totally different with Arthit. His parent is lucky to have son like Kongpop. Mr.Rojnapat pray Arthit can have at least half of Kongpop's nature.

Mrs.Rojnapat make small talk with Kongpop as he drive them. She ask about his family and study. Kongpop entertain it as gentleman he is and smile when she praise him as good son and nice junior.
“I think Arthit been harsh on you as HeadHazer. How can he ask you to run in scorching heat. You just depend your friends” Mrs.Rojnopat complain when Kongpop tell Arthit's punishments during hazing time.
“No aunty, he just do it as I against his words. He just want me to let my friends learn to stand up on problems and not always waiting for other” Kongpop back up Arthit. Arthit has instructed  him to never be hero again after that.
“I am afraid when he say he will be HeadHazer with his stubborn and selfish minded. You know he is my only son but I can never tolerate him when he had decide on something” Mrs.Rojnapat voice his concern.
“I think P'Arthit is great leader and has guide us very well. And I learn from him to be good senior and HeadHazer” Kongpop  sincerely praise hisSenior. 
“Hazing just not his personality. He have soft heart like his father. Like father like son, from their bad temper to workaholic lifestyle. Look, I need to threated my husband for holiday and on the spot ride to see my son. Nevertheless,  They are men of action than words ” Mrs.Rojnapat comment as he compare her son with her husband.
Mr.Rojnapat just smile and accept the similarities between him and his son.
Yes, Arthit never express him by word but I need to read between his harsh line and cool temperament.’ Kongpop talk in his head as he glance to Mr. And Mrs.Rajnopat.

Arthit arrive as Kongpop finish order their dinner. The couple have noodles while Kongpop order his favourite ommelate and spicy rice for Arthit.
“I has order PinkMilk for you,P. You need your energy booster” Kongpop tell Arthit when he settle down on his seat.
Arthit's parent just look when their son try to flick Kongpop's head once he hear PinkMilk. Arthit look friendlier and open up to Kongpop which is strange for his parent as Arthit is reserve person. Beside, Arthit rarely order that drink, shy but when Kongpop  purposely do that, Arthit just smirk not scold him.The couple suprise when Kongpop casually order PinkMilk for their son as Arthit seldom openly drink it except at home or when he alone. He don't want to be tease.
Arthit make small talk with his parent, asking for reason of their sudden visit. They just call once the board from hometown.
“Just missing my lovely son” Mr.Rojnapat short answer. Arthit round cheek pink hear his father sweet answer. Kongpop hold his hand from pitch it. Arthit so cute when he shy hence He always pork it when Arthit's cheek become red
When the food come, they peacefully eat it. Arthit continuously rant about his company and internship to his father. He proudly tell his father that, he had secure 2nd place in inter-division new idea competition. His senior and him just lost in term of costing not quality of the product. Arthit say Top Management will consider his idea for their next production.
Kongpop just listen and smile at Arthit. As the parents proud of his son, Kongpop also feeling good for the achievement. He also secretly attend the final evaluation as one of Board of Director with his father. All impress at Arthit's achievement since he just an intern there. Seem, Mr.Suthiluck will highly consider reserve a spot for Arthit.

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