10. The Confession

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🚫  Two years ago 🚫

The dinner is good. The food, the drink, the restaurant, the song play feel romantic and soulful. The partner even that person Kongpop never imagine will site with him in this beautiful night, he still feel very happy with him. Everything is perfect. Picture perfect!

But, Kongpop still did not understand why he is here, sitting in from of his senior, at two seat table beside window with scenery of Bangkok nightlight. As he remember, today is not his birthday, his Senior birthday or any special event to be celebrate. They make several random conversation during dinner, about class, test, final exam and holiday planning for next 2 months but still it's not the reason they are here.

Now, they are having dessert and Kongpop feels more curious about his HeadHazer, Arthit Rojnapat. He seem relax but agate, confident but bit restless and talking to him but avoiding eye contacts.

“P', what the meaning of this?” Kongpop ask after a while. In front of him, on the table are a black rectangular box, a banquet of white daisy and a book looks like dairy.
Arthit smile to Kongpop while looking at Kongpop suprise face.
“This is for you. My present for you, Kongpop” Arthit reply as he direct the presents to Kongpop by eye.
“P, what the meaning of this is for me?” Kongpop question back. Kongpop feel, a flower is not a mere present to be given to him, it hold big why and lot means.

“ That is white daisy, as daisy mean purity and innocent. Daisy considered a sign of affection and respectable gesture. We show love, patience, beauty even secrecy between two person use Daisy. It symbolic of secret love. It represent a secret admire love to the his love without his know. Then, there is my diary about the person I secretly fall in love, since the first time I saw him, last year. Lastly, inside the box is my gear, at least you know what the meaning of give out Engineering gear to others” Arthit smoothly reveal Kongpop's present.

Kongpop try to control his frown but looking at Arthit serious face and the ways he put in word about his gift, Kongpop just can gaze deeply at it.
“I know the meaning of gear at least,P'” Kongpop notify to his senior “...but you need to give it to your special person”. Gear for engineering students represent an important component of many mechanical devices, it is crucial things in engineering works. Gear also usually identified with  heart, giving gear to other person will be say as giving our heart to other's care. It same as saying I love you!

Arthit beam his smile to Kongpop and ogle him.
“I am currently in mission to give my gear, dairy and daisy to him, right now” Arthit tell back.
“You are currently giving your gear as the present for me” Kongpop squeal
“But, you say You are giving the gear to your secret admire”
“Yes,Kong” Arthit confess "..he is infront of me, this time, here"
“But now you giving it to me,P'”
Arthit breath slowly and look at Kongpop.
"Did you lost your sense of thinking after I bring you here, Kongpop?" Arthit buzz to his junior. Geez, did he dumb or play dumb?
Kongpop laugh to Arthit remark. He try to understand but his logical prevent his assumption.

“Can you connecting the dot as I am giving the gear to the person i fall in love, and that person is in front of me, and you are now talking, seating with me hence you are the one,Kongpop Suthiluck” Arthis express his word and try to help Kongpop understand the situation.
Kongpop look speechless. He try connecting it. This place is to classic for dinner between senior-junior,

“P’...Are you trying to say that I am the...” and Kongpop fail to finish his word. Gear, dairy, secret admire, love, confession.
“I am confessing to you Kongpop. As I love you, I has fall in love with you and now I am telling you I love you” Arthit finally confess and successful to say that 3 word to Kongpop Suthiluck.

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