[8] Team Shaylotte

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Warning: the end of this chapter may be disturbing


Andy's P. O. V.
It had been almost a whole day already since our discovery and none of us had talked about it since. As I absentmindedly listened to the Attendants explaining to us how to make a raft, my thoughts wandered of to the tramp again.  I didn't feel comfortable knowing there was a potential madman just upstairs of the places we slept. I was abruptly brought back to reality by Amanda poking my arm. "Dude! Pay some attention you got your head up in the clouds again" she hissed. "I've been a boy scout, I already know how to do all of this" I protested. "I don't care" she replied. The other attendants left to get the logs and barrels and the remaining one took out a list . "I will now anounce who will be working together, you will all form pairs..." He started calling out names of people working together. At a certain point he got to "Charlotte Kogane, let me guess you wanna work together with your sister. Allright so Charlotte and Shay..." "Do they always work together? "I asked. Amanda nodded. "They're inseparatable. I wish a had a brother or sister, but I'm an only child sadly" she sighed. "Yeah same" I muttered. "...Amanda Vale, you.. Ow, there's no more girls left. Over to the boys then. Okay so you're working together woth Andrew Fowler" the atendant continued. "Looks like we're a pair" she said and smiled. I was secretly relieved I could work with her. So far Charlotte, Shay and Amanda had been the only people I knew around here. We collected our things and i immediatly started tying the logs together with the rope, making sailor knots. Amanda admired the knots. "I've never seen anyone lash them up that fast" she said sounding very impressed. I looked at hers. "Yours are pretty good too" I replied. She blushed. "Aren't you concerned about that homeless person upstairs, are we really just going to leave him there like that?" I asked quietly so the attendants wouldn't hear anything. "I know, bit Charlotte has a point, we don't have any evidenvce, and even if the WOULD believe us, what if the guy is harmless" she replied. "And what if he is a psychopath"I retorted. "Sociopath" she corrected. "What?" "He would be a sociopath. If he were a psychopath he wouldn't take the risk to leave those pictures out on his desk to be seen by everyone. He's too reckless to be a psychopath. So, sociopath" she calmly explained. I was baffled. "Well... I could be wrong ofcourse... I.. Read it of the internet... So maybe it was fake... or something" she stuttered getting nervous. "I believe you. You should know. You're smart" I reassured. She blushed again. I heard two people howling and saw Charlotte and Shay race their Raft towards the river. "Team Shaylotte for the win!!!" they both yelled as they entered the river. I laughed. "They really are a good team aren't they" I laughed. "Yup, they win the raft race every year" Amanda laughed.

So long story short, 'team Shaylotte' won obviously and Amanda fell of the raft, pulling me in as well. But it waq a lot if fun though. I'd definitly come back next year if I had the chance. I just took a long warm shower and was about to go back to my room as I noticed a small figure sneaking towards the 'private' door. "Hey, what are you doing?" I shouted at the person. The figure turned around, it was Shay. "Oh, hey Andy. I was just about to go to the bathroom" she lied. I groaned at the nickname, she used it now too, but by now I was fairly used to hearing it. "Shay, you are wearing a black hoodie and you're holding a flashlight. I know you wanted to go exploring" I said with a strict tone. "Okay fine you got me. Please don't tell Charlotte" she begged. "I won't, but you are not going alone. You are not going there at all" I said. "Come on Andy, Charlotte is never gonna let me come with her. Every year she promises next year. I'm going" she stated. I shook my head. "No, I'm not letting you. We're not going anymore either" I protested. "Why" she asked. I remembered Charlottes words. 'Don't tell her about the tramp or anything like it)' "Because... Grown up reasons. Please, don't go upstairs." I said in a softer tone. She looked stubborn for a moment, but then her shoulders loosened. "Fine" she sighed.
"Promise me?"
"Okay, let's go back to our rooms okay?"
I guided Shay back to the hallways alk the way untill the girls hall, were our paths split. We mumbled each other goodnight and went to sleep. The next morning everyone woke up pretty late. Probably because we were all tired from the rafting yesterday.  "Had a nice sleep?" I asked Charlotte at breakfast. "The best one in the entire week" Charlotte yawned stretching her arms. "I'm pretty sure everyone slept really long today" Amanda laughed. "Not Shay though, when I woke up she was already out of bed" Charlotte said. I got a bad feeling in my stomach. 'what if she never returned to bed to begin with?' I thought. "I don't understand were kids get their infinite amount of energy" Amanda laughed. "Same" Charlotte replied smiling. A girl around Shays age came up to our table. "Is Shay with you?" she asked. "No I thought she was... With you" Charlotte said looking a little worried. We went around to ask around if anyone had seen Shay, and every time the answer was no, the tension rose, so did the realisation that Shay was missing. Soon the Attendants had called the police and everyone was out looking for Shay. Charlotte was explaining to a police officer what she looked like. I grabbed Amandas arm. "Amanda, I'm having a bad feeling that I know where Shay is" I said. Amanda immediatly knew what I meant and nodded sternly. We asked one of the police officers to follow us as we went upstairs. The closer we got, the worse the feeling in mt stomach got. I don't know what I was hoping to find. That Shay simply fell asleep here? That she wasn't here and just somewhere outside picking apples in the field? But sadly, that wasn't what I found. What I found was horrifying. Shay lay in the middle of the hallway. Some of her clothes were ripped, her arms bruised, an expression of fear plastered on her face, a single dribble of dried blood coming from her mouth, her glassy eyes staring at nothing. I found Shays lifeless body.

Author's note
Noooo, I don't like killing off characters!
This was hard to write😢.

How have you all been today, hopefully it wasn't busted by a sad ending of a good fanfiction😂, because that kinda happened to me (coughcoughanythingforyouprincesscoughcoughdownfromfive😭)

The weather is nice today, enjoy the sun!
Salute! 🙋


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