[9] Suprise

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Rye's P. O. V.
"Hey look they still sell Paddington cakes!" I shouted excitedly pointing at the cakes in the store. "Oh yeah they do. Don't beat them up this time though" Brooklyn laughed. "I wouldn't dare" I grinned. I took out my phone and started an Instagram story. "Guuuys, Brooklyn won't let me punch Paddingtoooon" I fake whined to the camera. "That's life mate. You can get yourself kicked out with Mikey but I need to fill my food recourses" Brooklyn laughed. I captioned the story 'grocery shopping with Rylyn' and uploaded it. "You're no fun in stores" I said jokingly. "What can I say Ryan, I need to bring food on the table" he shrugged. "Hey Andy is usually the mature one what happened" I laughed. "I'm pretty sure none of us is actually mature" Brooklyn chuckled. "Got that right Brookaravan" We filled up our shopping kart with food and loads of junk food too. Brook walked a little more on front as we went back to the car. Suddenly someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around to see a young woman with red curly hair standing in front of me. She kinda reminded me of Merida from Brave. "Hello Rye" she said blankly. "Hi...?" I replied. I didn't know her. Maybe she was a roadie? "I need to tell you something" she continued. "I'm sorry I really want to listen to you but you see my friend is waiting at the car and I need to drive soooo" I saud and proceeded to turn around. "It's about your boyfriend". That caught my attention. "What about him" I asked carefully. "He's hiding a secret from you. A dark one" she said. The girl gave me a bad vibe. "Yeah, in that case I think you're not the person to tell me. He is" I replied. "What if I told you he was responsible for the death of a little girl?" the girl suddenly said. I froze. "What?" "Just ask your precious 'Andy' about Shay. He'll know" she said mysteriously and walked away. I started at her. Andy killed someone? No, she was lying? I knew Andy, he wouldn't hurt a fly. This was just some sick prank right? But she mentioned a name. You know what. I would just casually drop the name in a conversation and see how he reacts. It was definitly a lie. Andy wouldn't kill someone of he had to. I was sure of that.

Andy's P. O. V.
3 years. For almost 3 solid years I managed to think about Shay without getting dark thoughts. But they all returned along with Charlotte. Like dark clouds they poisoned my mind, drowned me. "It's all your fault. If it wasn't for you Shay would be alive right now" a voice said. "No, it's not my fault. You're lying" I muttered, feeling tears build up in my eyes. "You really believe that? You knew she was going up there and what did you do? Nothing! You should be ashamed of yourself" the voice heartlessly continued. "No... No you're wrong" I said. The first tear exited my eye, soon followed by more. "How can you even live with yourself. You are a murderer" the voices hissed. "No I'm not! It's not my fault" I repeated, clutching my head. "You're disgusting! You are responsible for the murder of an innocent child. It should've been you and not her!" the voices spat. "GO AWAY!" I screamed. Finally, the voices were quiet. I panted heavily. "Andy are you're okay?" Mikey asked worriedly. I nodded quietly. "Who were you talking to?" he wondered looking around. "No one, I'm fine" I mumbled. "What's wrong Andy" he asked sitting down on the bed next to me. Should I tell Mikey. He was ly best mate, I knew he wouldn't tell anyone if I didn't want him to. I sighed. "It happened a long time ago" I muttered. I quietly told him the whole story. "... And people say it's not my fault but it is. If I would've just told Shay about the tramp upstairs or told Charlotte or actually checked if she really went to bed. If I would've done one thing differently she'd be alive right now" I finished the story on the verge of tears again. Mikey rubbed my back comfortingly. "Oh Fovvs, it's okay. Don't beat yourself up because of it. You were a teenager, you couldn't've predicted it. Why is it coming up again all of a sudden" he asked. "Because Charlotte got back in touch with me" I muttered. I wasn't going to tell him she was threatening me. I just sat on the bed in silence as Mikey comforted me. "Mikey?" I asked. "Yeh" he replied. "Please don't tell Rye. I don't want him to worry" I said shyly. Mikey nodded.

Author's note
Hellow you fellow human beinhs! How are you all doing today it's wednesday whoop whoop. Omg Charlotte is in town how'd she het there hehehe I won't tell you that.

Did anyone watch Eurovision? Sennek didn't get trough 😭  but at least there's other goid talents who did. Israël was funny and cool. 😍
And yay Alexander Rybak! 😍😂

See you guys tomorrow!
Salute! 🙋


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