[10] You Killed Her!

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The policemen had guided me back outside. They had murmurred something about the view being too disturbing for young adolescents like us. I felt sick and dizzy. The image of Shay laying dead on the floor was plastered in my mind, I wanted to forget what I saw so bad. Charlotte saw me and Amanda and ran to us. "Have you found her? Oh if I find her I'm gonna give her a piece of my mind..." she started and then noticed several police officers coming out of the building. The first ones dragged out the tramp who threw lots of German insults at their heads, followed by the next group of officers, carrying a brancard, the body covered with a white sheet. Charlottes eyes widened in horror as the realisation hit her. Without the slightest movement she stood there frozen watching the brancard carrying her sister get taken away. "No..." she muttered. "No  no no no no no no no no no no it can't be. No it's not true. No!" her voice got louder to the point she started screaming as she ran towards the brancard, but was held back by two attendants. "Let me go you bastards! Let go of me I need to see her! No! I need to see Shay let go of me!" she screamed violently squirming and kicking the attendants who had a hard time holding her her in place, desperately trying to calm her down. "Shut up! No my sister is dead! Let me go I need to see her! Shaaaay!" she screamed. I looked at Amanda, who stood next to me, silently crying her eyes out as she watched her best friend break down. Then Charlotte turned to me. "You! You knew she was in there! You knew and you did nothing! You killed her! You let her die! I hate you! You killed her! You killed her! Let go of me let me get to him! Let me get to him! She yelled. Then at last, she collapsed into the attendants arms and started sobbing loudly. They quietly carried her off to her room, and I could only stand there and watch, feeling numb. I turned to Amanda, the tears were still streaming down her face. "Im so sorry" I muttered. Without saying anything Amanda swung her arms around me and hugged me tightly as she sobbed on my shoulder. I quietly hugged her back, as I too, felt a few tears roll down my cheeks. Charlottes words stuck in my head. "You killed her! You let her die!"

The next day everyone was asked to leave. I packed my bags and stood outside, waiting for Amanda. She finally came outside. I could tell she had cried. "Hey" she crackled. "Hey" I muttered. "So I guess it's goodbye then" she mumbled. "Maybe we'll see each other again"
"Yeah... maybe. Have you said goodbye to Charlotte yet?"
"I don't think she wants to see my face right now"
"It's okay, I'll join you"
I followed Amanda to Charlottes room. An attendant was still with her comforting her. Her face was all red and puffy. I don't think she stopped crying at all. She looked up at me, her eyes filled with anger and hate. "Charlotte I'm really sorry" I started. "Save it. Your pathetic apologies won't bring her back" she spat. "But let me promise you're one thing Andrew Robert Fowler. One day you will have someone in your life whom you love with all your heart. It could be family, a close friend, a girlfriend, I don't care who it is. I will return the favour. Once you found that person you love so dearly, I will take them away from you" she whispered.

Authors note
This. Was. So. Depressing. To. Write. I was listening to 'Loosha's theme' as I wrote this and I cried 😢. It's not the saddest scene I've written before though. The saddest one I've written is chapter 4 of 'Memories' I think. I really didn't want to let Shay die😭. But I had to for the plot.

The exams are getting closer everyday now so I'll need more time to study, but I'll still update just for you😊

Have a great day everyone (even if you got shitty weather like me)
Salute! 🙋


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