[23] A Small Box

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Rye's P. O. V.
I woke up in a hospital bed. Ugh, I hated hospitals. The lights were too bright, the beds uncomfortable, there was always something making noise, and then you're supposed to get better in this place. My mum sat on a chair next to me. As soon as she saw I woke up she stood up. "Ryan, how are you sweetie" she asked. "I'm good I guess... How bad is my injury?" I muttered, still too tired to speak up. "The bullet didn't damage any vital organs. You've been extremely lucky" she said with a smile. "You did almost bleed to death though, it hit a branch of an artery" Robbie said. "Well I'm still alive so... How long till I can leave?" I asked. I really wanted to leave. "Two weeks, and you will have to take it easy after that" my mum responded. I sighed. I talked to my parents for a while, the twins brought chocolate from the shop downstairs. I loved my family beyond words, but there was one person I really needed to see. Once they left a doctor came in. "How are you feeling" he asked. "Good I guess, when can I see my bandmates" I asked. "Normally, if you feel good enough, ot should be possible right after this checkup" he smiled. When he left, Andy came in. I was so happy to see his face. He immediatly engulfed me in a hug. "Rye! I'm so sorry" he mumbled in my neck. "It's okay, I lived" I said with a smile. "I wanted to come earlier, but only family was allowed" he said. "Then we need to make you family I guess. Where are my clothes?" I asked. "I don't know, I'll go ask a doctor" Andy said jumping up to find a doctor. He came back with a nurse who held a bundle of clothes, putting them on my bed. I took my trousers and felt inside of its pockets. Yes, it was still in there. "See, Andy. I was actually going to do this at the end of the show, but Charlotte kinda ruined the moment. Since the rest of thr tour has been canceled and I don't want ti wait any longer, I'll just do it here" I started. Andy gave me a confused look. "I can't get on one knee right now sorry. I opened the little box I had in my trousers and reveiled a small silver ring with a cactus on it. Andy gasped as he realised what I was doing. "Andrew Robert Fowler, we've known each other for 3 years, and dated for 6 months. And that may seem like a short time, but those 6 months have been the best 6 months of my life. You make my life so much better everyday purely by being by my side. And I love you more than anything in this world. Andy... Will you marry me?". Andy was silent, then his eyes widened in pure happiness and a big smile spread across his lips. "I'd love to" He said half crying half laughing. I pulled him closer and kissed him deeply. The nurse, who still stood there, along with the rest of the boys clapped loudly. "I love you" Andy mutteref burying his face in the crook of my neck as he positioned himself beside me on the bed. "I love you too" I mumbled kissing his cheek.

Authors note
"No need to worry
Rain falling down it's our
Happiest story,
And there's no one around
We will go for it
And I know you'll be mine

Yeah... I'm still obsessed with eurovision songs 😅

Does anyone have a spare secondary school diploma I can have? 'Cause I'm gonna struggle earning mine 😂

YAAAAAY THEY'RE ENGAGED NOW!!! This was so satisfying to write 😂💞

See you all tomorrow guys!
Salute! 🙋


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