Chapter 1: World Cup

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''Come on mom! All my friends are going! Besides, there will be Barbara's cousin who's 18!'' I begged my mom to let me go and see the World Cup in Brazil. The first match of the tournament is going to be Croatia vs Brazil.  

''Look, you're only sixteen! I can't let you go!'' she said and continued watching the TV. 

''It's only for three days. I'm responsible enough!'' I said. 

''Yeah right.'' she turned to me. ''This conversation is over!'' 

''But I finished with straight A's. If you let me go I'll never ask for anything again. We don't even have to go to a vacation. Please.'' I held my fingers crossed just to hear that blessed word yes. She took a breath and said:

''Fine you can go.'' I suppose she said that just to avoid the conversation and me being myself and persuading her to let me go to the Cup.

''Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, a million times thank you!'' I said with joy and hugged her. I ran through my small apartment in the center of my town, put on my Vans and ran out where my girlfriends were waiting as anxious as me for that yes from my mom. 

''So? So?'' they asked. 

''I'm going!'' I shouted. We started celebrating. 

''Okay, we're leaving soon. You go pack your stuff and we're good to go.'' said Barbara and smiled. I wanted to explode of happiness. I rushed inside and opened my empty suitcase. Almost all of my clothes were in there because I didn't want to forget anything. Soon I'll be on a plane for Brazil with all of my girlfriends.  

 Next day

 I woke up feeling happy. I could literally feel sunbeams on my face. Tonight I'm leaving for Brazil. Of course, nothing would be right if my grandma didn't know about my trip. She called me early in the morning to warn me hundred and fifty two times to be careful. But what would I do without her? She strictly cautioned me not to talk to strangers and not to separate form my friends. 

''That was grandma?'' asked my mother. 

''Yup, she gave me a half hour lecture about safety.'' I looked on the phone to see how long were we talking.

''Good. Than I don't have to.'' she took her bag and went to work. Before that she hugged me and said goodbye because I was leaving for our capital city at noon. Her job starts at 6 am and ends at four but she had a break at 11 am. I double checked everything just for safety. I said goodbye to my dad and my home and headed to Zagreb. 

''When I get there I'll take loads of selfies to show those bitches on Facebook that we're watching the game live.'' said Mia.

''I can't wait! We'll be swimming and tanning in the morning and watching the game afterwards. This is going to be awesome!'' Barbara nearly screamed.

After four hours of driving, we finally got there. Barbara said goodbye to her dad who was driving us. We entered the airport two hours before of our flight to Sao Paolo where the first game is going to be held. Barbara's cousin was waiting there.

''Flight 758 to Sao Paolo is leaving in half an hour. Everyone who's attending this flight must get in the plane. Thank you and fly safely.''

''Girls, this is our plane.'' announced Maria.

''So, the journey begins?'' 

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