Chapter Fifteen.

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"Just put it on,Kay."-El said refering to the black dress,hanging on the hanger.

"I don't want to look like I've been spending too much time on preparing myself."-I sighed."It's too much for a casual night at a club."

"Little black dress,spectacular shoes and too much jewelry is always a good idea,girl."

"Let's make it jeans,cute top and spectacular shoes,yeah?"-I started taking out clothes searchig for a top I've seen.When i found it i tossed it at Eleanor and she gave it a studying look.It was a simple black top but covered in sequins.

"Yeah,it's fine I guess.You can always count on sparkly things."

I smiled and folded it before putting it in my bag.

"What else should i pick?"-I asked,looking again in my closet.

"We're just for the weekend babe,just another t-shirt will do fine."

I nod and put a tee in my bag.I was currently dressed in blue ripped,skinny jeans,a t-shirt and my favourite pair of white,classic converse.I guees I would just put the same jeans and shoes on our way back tomorrow?Yes,that's what I will do.

I put my make-up bag,hair and tooth brush and I zip It glad I was done so quickly.

"Are you done with your luggage already?"-I asked El and she nod.

"We should probably go,Harry's being nervous during trips,and he always insists on driving."-she mumbles and I laugh.

"Are we going just with one car?"-I ask as we made our way downstairs.

"Me,Louis,Eliza,Diane and Niall are taking Lou's car.I guess you will be with Harry and Stassie in his."-my friend explains and I sigh.

"Do I really have to put up with him,can't we change?"-I pout and she chuckles.

"I thought you were doing pretty well already."-We were currently in the garage where Harry was putting his and maybe Stassie's bags in the back of his black Range Rouver.

"Yeah,we're fine,I guess.I'll text you if he gets really,really annoying."-we hug and she makes her way to Louis' Audi Q6,which I may add is really good car.

I sigh again and make my way to Harry who's already giving me an annoyed look.

"Did you two really need to make such a long goodbye,It's not like you're not going to see each other in a couple of hours."-he rolled his eyes and took my bag,putting it in the back.

"I think you're just jelaous because nobody said goodbye to you."-I teased and opened the passenger's door.

"You think?You shoul've seen how sad was Niall that he is in Louis' car and not mine."-Harry smiled and made his way to the other side of the car.

It was when he put the key in the ignition that I realized we were alone.

"Wasn't Stassie supposed to be here?"-I asked and I can swear that he smirked.

"Yeah,but Liam changed his mind on coming at the last minute and she decided that it would be better if they take her car."-Harry explained."I think she was just making up excuses not to be in a car with me,she doesn't like me very much."

"Liam?"-I asked,the name foreign to my ears.

"Oh,you've never met him?He's her brother."

I didn't answer this,instead I texted El that I was alone with him and she was more than amused at my reaction.

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