Chapter Seven.

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Unedited chapter because it's Easter and I am cooking while writing this lol.


When I woke up I was surprisingly calm.

I looked around not exactly sure of what I was searching for,I didn't expect Harry to be here sprawled on my bed did I?

I was pretty sure his appearance was part of my dream but I couldn't understand why it made me so calm for the rest of the night.

I made my way towards the bathroom and took a quick shower,while brushing my teeth.Yes,I am a little bit weird.

After I was done I went back and opened the heavy curtains.It was raining outside but no matter that the room was filled with light.

I got dressed in jeans and tank top,putting a cardigan over it and jumped into my converse.My hair was still damp from the shower so I caught it in a messy bun.

Without a second thought I exited the room and tried to remember the way to the kitchen, I was hungry like a wolf.Irony huh?

During my not so short trip I couldn't not admire the beautiful paintings all over the walls but I didn't recognize any of the artists.

The house was unexpectedly quite and calm which was probably because it was really early in the morning.I didn't even see the clock,stupid girl.

When I reached the kitchen I wasn't surprise that it was empty.

I opened the fridge and was happy to find that it was full,so I took everything I needed for making pancakes and started.

40 minutes or so later I had literally a stash of pancakes and I would gladly eat them all but the door opened and Niall came in.

"Morning new girl."-he said and I smiled."Ya made food?"

"I guess I made more than enough,are you hungry?"-I asked and he nodded enthusiastically.

"Always!I'll make cocoa with marshmallows."

When we were finally done and there were still pancakes left I decided I should ask for Harry.Maybe I could buy him with breakfast so he could let me go home.

"He's probably at his office,doing Alpha stuff."-Niall answered.

"Oh,and El?"

"She and Louis are probably still asleep,they were pretty busy last night."-he said with a smirk and I made a disgusted expression."You're lucky that is my room next to theirs,not yours."

"Is it a good idea for me to go and give him some of the pancakes?To Harry,I mean."

Niall just shrugged and I decided this is not such a bad idea after all.

I put some of the pancakes in a plate with some Nutella,strawberries and bananas.I took a cup of cocoa and made my way to Harry's office.

El said it was right from the kitchen  so I should be okay.

I made my way along the hall and when I reached the door at the end of it,which was luckily ajar so I bumped it with my bum and turned around to enter.

The view in front of me nearly made me drop the plate and cup I was holding.

A blonde girl was seated on the desk,Harry's chair between her legs and her mouth on his.

I must've gasped or made any other noise because the girl literally jumped from the desk and fixed her hair.

"I'm sorry,I should've knocked."-I said and Harry lifted his head to see me.

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