Chapter Twenty-Four.

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The night was going by perfectly and everything was just as how I expected it to be.Everybody was having fun,I even caught a smile lingering on Harry's lips.

Even Zayn looked like he was having the best time of his life,no matter that he wasn't used to being in the centre of a crowd.And that's exactly what he was right now.Everybody was excited that he finally showed up.

I was smiling as I made my way,walking around the hall.I was glad to see most of the members from my old pack as long as he wasn't here.

Even though I cut my relationship with all of them after I let the pack,it was good to see familiar faces.After all I grew up with these people and they were my family.

It was the first time I actully thought about how I left and what my absence could have done to them.I had to think twice before running like that,without saying goodbye.

My face lit up when I saw a good friend of mine surrounded by a group of people,Harry including.I decided to made my way and reach them.As soon as I started walking in their direction,Samantha turned her head and saw me.Her eyes widened and she stopped talking,which caused everybody to turn their heads in my direction.

"Hi,Sam.Long time no see."-I said as I reached them.

"Kayla..what?"-she said and hugged me."I thought you were dead,God damn it!What are you doing here?"

I smiled and hugged her back.I have missed her.

"It's a long story,but I'm so happy to see you."-I said.

She took a step bak and eyed me from head to toe.

"Girl,you look hot!"-Sam laughed."I missed you so much.Where the Hell have you been?"

I was about to answer her when Harry interrupted me.

"Wait,wait.What's going on?"-he asked with a confused look.

"Oh,she was in my pack,babe."-Sam said and touched his chest assuringly.

Generally I wouldn't have made a big deal out of it,but her gesture made me want to vomit.It was a gesture that said 'I had something with this guy here and I still have some rights over him'

"It was a long time ago,though."-I say and force a smile.

"You were in Anthony's pack?"-Harry asked me,eyes wide opened in suprise.

I shivered as I heard his name.It's been so long,so long since I last talked about him.So long since I last saw him.

"Does it matter?I'm in your pack now,aren't I?"-I laughed bitterly and now it was Samantha's turn to look at me wide-eyed.

"You left us for him?Seriously Kayla.."-she rolled her eyes.

"I didn't leave to join his pack,Sam.It's been almost three years and It's barely a week ago when I came here."-I explained."And you know exactly why I left."

I was about to answer her when Louis came and whispered something in Harry's ear.He excused himself and followed Louis outside the hall.What was that for?

I turned to Sam just to see her watching down at me.

"What Samantha?What do you want me to szay to you?"-I asked.

"I can't believe you still think he killed your parents."-she said and my heart sank down.

"Don't you dare bring this up."-I hissed."You don't know what I saw!"

"He is my brother,Kayla.I know him,he would never do this.He loved you,he..."

"Stop talking!"-I interrupted her."If he loved me he would never use me in that way!"

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