Iron God Fanart: Despair*

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*All credit goes to Sandcat- . I do not own the story or characters.

This piece of fanart turned out to be something I'm quite proud of, albeit overdue since I came up with the idea long before I was actually able to draw it. Since Sandcat- has almost completed posting the entire novel, I knew it'd be better to complete this before I was met with the story's end, which will undoubtedly spark even more fanart. Anyway, here it is!

This drawing depicts the struggles of two different characters, Tevorac and Nagienvik, from Part 3's chapters "The Predator" and "A Grave Mistake" respectively

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This drawing depicts the struggles of two different characters, Tevorac and Nagienvik, from Part 3's chapters "The Predator" and "A Grave Mistake" respectively. I drew them together because, though the characters are very unique from one another, they are somehow connected in my mind—perhaps it's because I imagine them with a somewhat similar appearance? Nevertheless, I really like the end result, especially the left side.

Still keeping things as spoiler-free as possible, here's some context: One character huddles in the corner, unable to fathom the reality of their situation, and the other clutches their ears, crying in pain. Neither blazing heat nor freezing cold seems to matter in their despair. Why could this be? You'll have to read the story to find out! (Haha, sorry, my inner fangirl couldn't resist the shameless plug.)

Because let's be honest here, my inner fangirl's going to take over, and I'll probably be spending the next two weeks crying over characters and endings and feels and who knows what else. Oh, and also badgers. In short, the chances of me NOT drawing any more fanart for this story are very, very low, haha!

I hope you enjoyed today's art, even if you have absolutely no clue as to why I would be crying over badgers. Thank you so much for reading, and see you next time!

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