Partner Project

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There aren't enough fanfics of these two so I decided to write one!! It's my first fan fiction, so I'm sorry if I mess up the characters or anything. There's no specific time when the story is set, but it will be before the class moves into the UA dorms. I'd love to hear feedback as well!! Also, I can't update weekly due to school, life, etc., but I'll try to get a chapter out as often as possible. Enjoy the fan fiction!!


*Izuku's POV*

"You all are going to be starting a project today," Mr. Aizawa says bluntly. Upon hearing this, everyone in class groans and sighs in agony. Mr. Aizawa's projects are always annoyingly hard.

He commands the class to quiet down before saying, "I want everyone to figure out the pros and cons of their quirk during battle. It's important to know this so you can figure out where you're strong and where you're weak. After this project, you should be able to avoid situations where the cons of your quirk are present and you'll be able to find ways to make your quirk more beneficial."

This time around, the project doesn't seem too difficult. Usually, Mr. Aizawa makes us do long essays or presentations, but this doesn't seem like the type of assignment that would require it.

"You'll be paired up with someone to battle with and you'll figure out your pros and cons. Then you'll write me paragraphs about at least five pros and five cons that you discovered. Each pro and each con will get its own paragraph. This will be due in exactly one month from now. Also, you won't have any class time to work on it, so you'll have to meet with your partners elsewhere," Mr. Aizawa explains.

The glimmer of hope everyone had a moment ago completely disappears. Another boring project. My classmates—especially Iida, of course—ask more questions concerning the assignment until Mr. Aizawa says he's going to pick everyone's partners.

"LIKE HELL I'M GONNA WORK WITH SOMEONE! THEY'LL JUST SLOW ME DOWN," Bakugo hisses. Mr. Aizawa doesn't bother saying anything and neither does anyone else; we're all used to Bakugo's whining.

He picks the pairs at random, and most of the class has gone by the time I'm up. The only people that are left are Todoroki, Momo, and Uraraka. Deep down, I'm hoping I won't get paired up with Uraraka; I'd be way too nervous around her.

*Ochako's POV*

Deku is up. Don't freak out, Ochako.

The randomized wheel is spinning quickly, and I can't tell who it's going to land on: Todoroki, Momo, or me. It slows down and the three names are much clearer now. It goes by Todoroki and Momo and stops.

Mr. Aizawa speaks up, "Uraraka and Midoriya are partners. Since Todoroki and Momo are the last two, they'll also be a pair."

I quickly glance at Deku, but when he sees me, I turn away. This is going to be awkward.

After class, Deku and I work out our plans for the project. We decide we're going to meet up every Wednesday and Saturday; Wednesday at my place and Saturday at his. All the while, I'm hoping I don't look super flustered while talking to him.

On my way out, I keep thinking that I'm gonna be going to a boy's house alone for the first time tomorrow. I'm pondering over every possible occurrence that this could result in.

I'm suddenly stopped by Mina who comes up behind me without warning. "So, Deku, huh?" she questions in a mischievous voice.

"Y-yeah, what about him?" I say even though I already know the answer.

"Somebody's got a crush," she laughs. My face burns crimson red within seconds, stunned at her words.

"N-no I don't," I stutter.

"Uh, yes you do. Oh please. It's so painfully obvious. Hell, Aoyama's practically told the whole school! Just ask him out already."

"Wait, WHAT?"

"I'm just kidding, Ochako." I breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's still obvious you like him, though. Gotta go meet up with Toru. See ya!" Mina teases as she's hurrying away.

"Minaaaaaa, you're wrong!" I whine, dragging out her name. But something in me wonders if she's right.

*Izuku's POV*

Even though Saturdays are supposed to be relaxing, nothing about this one is. How am I supposed to compose myself when I'm alone with a girl? Plus, this girl is cute, adding onto my stress. My phone abruptly buzzes, signaling I got a text message. It's Uraraka.

Uraraka: Be over in thirty minutes.

Me: Ok. Make sure to bring everything for the project.

Uraraka: Yep, got it all :)

Me: Cool beans!

Cool beans? Seriously, Izuku? Guess it's too late now since she already read it.

My friends weren't lying when they told me I was clueless around girls.

*Ochako's POV*

One moment, I'm in the apartment getting dressed and the next I'm standing outside of Deku's house, feeling a little too nervous for my own good. I walk up to his front steps and ring the doorbell.

Here we go.


Chapter 1 is done!! Sorry it's so short. I'll try to make the next ones more eventful and longer. Thanks for reading!! :)

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