The Truth

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It's 3 am and I haven't updated in like 2 weeks.

But yeah. Just so everyone knows, there are only gonna be 2 more chapters: a two-parter about the dance (if you don't count the extra jUicY lemon I'm gonna write
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)). So yeah. I've gotten no sleep. OoF.


*Ochako's POV*

The moment I arrive to the comforts of my apartment, I drop my soaked school bag and collapse onto the bed, a few tears slipping out as I silently cry into the blankets. "Izuku, why are you such an idiot? Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid! Why Tsuyu of all people? And Tsu, what were you even doing with him in the first place?" I shout, but with a pillow compressing my face, it only comes out as a muffled whisper. For some reason, I don't cry all that much. Maybe it's because my sadness is overpowered by frustration and a lot of confusion.

Why would Izuku even end up in such a position with one of my best friends? Was he lying about why he was talking to Tsuyu during the field trip? Endless possibilities flow through my mind as I take a warm, refreshing shower. A few salty tears mix into the water every time the memory comes back to me.

Afterward, I change into a comfortable t-shirt and shorts and start to pour my burdened heart out to Momo.

Me: I hate being in love.

Almost immediately after, my face lights up for the first time in a while when Momo responds.

Momo: What happened?!? Are you ok?

Me: I'm ok (kind of) but it's about Izuku.

Momo: Did he do something?? I swear to god I'll kick his ass if he hurt you!!

So I aggressively type the whole story to Momo. From Izuku talking to Tsuyu at the Heroes Memorial to everything that went down in the classroom over an hour ago. I tell her just how furious and confused I am and wait for her reply, the phone shaking in my hands as the three bubbles appear.

Momo: Well did you ever think that it may have been an accident?

I stare at her text message in shock, realizing that the idea never even crossed my mind. My hands ball up into fists when my own stupidity catches up to me and I realize I may have been too quick to judge the situation.

Momo: Just talk to him, Ochako. I'm sure he's dying to talk to you. It's so obvious he's into you, so there's no way he'd cheat on you just like that.

Me: How?? It'll be super awkward!!

Momo: Call him.

That's exactly what I decide to do when I grab my phone that's sitting face down on the nightstand. I've got four notifications that I actually care about—two unread texts, a call, and a FaceTime, all from Izuku. My heart skips as I read his texts. The first one says 'hey, umm, can I talk to you?' The second one seems to be a follow up. 'Please, Ochako?' it reads.

I quickly punch in the passcode and open my contacts. I scroll down to the 'I' section and apprehensively press Izuku's contact. I just look at my phone blankly for a minute, practically having a panic attack as I prepare myself to call him. My finger tremors over to the 'call' button but for some reason, I don't have the guts to touch it.

"Ugh! I can't do this!" I eventually wail, dropping my phone over the end of the bed and curling up into a ball. There's no way I can talk to him like this.

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