Accidental Sleepover

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This is a direct continuation of the previous chapter. Also, a quick warning: there will be detailed kissing. I'd still consider it PG-13, but I thought I'd let you guys know.

Another thing: I had a previous chapter titled Accidental Sleepover but I changed it to The Blackout because Accidental Sleepover is more fitting for this chapter.

PS: And no, I know it might seem like it, but it's not a lemon.


*Izuku's POV*

Right as I'm about to ask why Ochako is even here in the first place, I notice a figure from down the hallway. That long, black hair undeniably belongs to Mr. Aizawa. If he sees Ochako anywhere near my room, I'll get in serious trouble. I grab Ochako by the shoulders and pull her into the room while kicking the door closed with my foot.

"W-what are you doing?" Ochako asks. Her head is turned away from me, probably blushing, and that's when I realize what a situation I've put us in. She's got her body pressed up against my shirtless, dripping chest. Not to mention that we're alone in a hotel room since Kaminari, my roommate, is having fun with the other guys.

I quickly back away, my face now just as red as hers, and explain myself before she thinks I'm a pervert. "Mr. Aizawa was coming. I had to d-do something."

I hurry to put on a navy blue shirt and hang up my towel. "Anyway, why'd you come here?" I say.

"Oh, yeah!" Ochako gushes when I come out of the bathroom clothed. "It's about this post from Momo." She shows me her Instagram and sure enough, Yaoyorozu posted something. I go wide-eyed when I realize it's of us from earlier today. "I can't believe her. Look at the likes," she says.

The like count is 174, which is what I'd expect from someone with 500 followers. Even though I'd rather not have 174 people know that Ochako and I fell asleep together on a bus, we still look cute. "I don't know, it's not a big deal," I say.

"Yeah, I guess, but 174 people?" Ochako states. She has a point.

"Well there's no point in asking her to delete it now. Just let it be," I explain.

"Uh, fine. But I'm still gonna kill her tomorrow."

There's a silence between us and I'm about to speak up when she says, "T-there's no point in me leaving now, is there? Mr. Aizawa is probably in the hallway and I just got here."

"Y-you can stay for a little while," I say, sitting on my futon, the one closest to the window. I pat the open sheets next to me as an invitation for her to sit. Ochako takes up my offer, plopping next to me so our shoulders are touching.

"What do you wanna do?" she asks while grabbing the TV remote as if she knows exactly what I'll say. That's when I think, what's the smoothest thing I can say right now? I'd definitely rather be kissing her than watching movies while thinking about kissing her. As she sits back on the futon, about to turn the TV on, I grab her wrist.

"This," I smoothly say.

I pull her face to mine, our lips crashing into each other. Her body freezes and she lets out an unrecognizable noise, most likely resulting from surprise. I wait for her to relax into the kiss before sliding my tongue in her mouth. As we're kissing, I think, that was pretty damn smooth.

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