A Night to Remember ~Final Chapter~

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Now, before you say anything, I know. It's been two months. I'm SORRY! But. . . I DIDN'T DIE! And I brought with me a new, long chapter ( the final one, sadly) and an incredibly adorable epilogue (which will be out soon, I promise! I decided to unpublish the lemon while I write it because I was gonna delete it anyway). So you can at least forgive me a little, right?

And I can't believe this story got over 50k reads and almost 1k votes. I'm still trying to process it. 😂😂

*Izuku's POV*

I make it to Ochako's apartment just as the clouds turn pink and the sun reaches the horizon. I ring her doorbell and wait patiently, all the while wondering what she'll be wearing.

Ochako pokes her head out the door before opening up to me. Her dress is red and white, a floral print complimenting it nicely, and she's got on low heels that give her an inch or two in height. Her hair is curled into loose ringlets, and she must be wearing makeup because her skin is smoother than usual.

"Hey, Izuku," she says, smiling warmly.

"Hey," I greet, "you look really nice."

"And you look handsome," she tells me. Suddenly I want to straighten my shirt, make sure it's not wrinkled, and stand up taller. Ochako brings her face to mine and gives me a peck on the lips.

"W-what was that for?" I ask. I'm blushing and so is she, and I wonder if I should have even asked because it's obvious why she did it.

"Because you said I looked nice." She takes my hand. Nothing feels more natural than having her palm in mine, and I've grown accustom to it.

Ochako and I head over to UA, and she tells me about her home life. How living in an apartment is kind of lonely; she misses her parents. But then she tells me she's happy because she has her classmates, and she hugs my arm tightly when she says she has me. The whole time, all I can think is that I'm glad I fell in love with this girl.

The dance takes place in the cafeteria, which has been cleared-out and decorated with bright colors to match the summer theme. I'm surprised at how many people came because we have to push our way through the crowds before finding anyone from our class. Finally, we spot Tenya, and the rest of the class is near him.

"Iida!" Ochako calls once we're close, her waving bringing the attention of nearby students.

"Midoriya and Uraraka, you guys are late," he says, fixing his glasses.

"Oh, yeah, that's my fault," I say, taking the blame for arriving at Ochako's apartment late.

"Tenya." Two arms grip his waist from behind, and that familiar voice could only belong to one person. The girl laughs as he goes red in the face, freezing like a deer in headlights.

"M-Mei. This s-seems like too much p-physical contact for a learning environment," he says, trying to keep himself together.

"It's perfectly fine." She pops up in front of him. "Let's dance!"

"W-wait a second. I haven't practiced."

Ochako stifles her laugh, but Hatsume doesn't bother to hide it.

"You don't need to practice! You just gotta, you know, sway your hips and stuff." She says, rolling her eyes as she bounces on her toes.

"And then, afterwards," she thinks for a moment, and then lets out a sharp gasp of enlightenment. "We can make babies!"

"T-that is not appropriate behavior on school grounds!" Tenya protests, his final desperate cry before being dragged onto the dance floor by the hand. Ochako and I look at each other, wondering what the hell just happened.

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