Behind Closed Doors

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*Ochako's POV*

"Oh my god, oh my god! Ojiro asked me out, and I said yes!" Toru shouts as she runs through the hallways, falling right into my arms like a little kid who just got a new stuffed animal from their mom.

"Wait, when?" I ask, hoping to hear the interesting details.

"Just now. I think I might be in love, Ochako," she confesses. Even though I can't see it, I can practically feel her blushing. "Is this what love feels like? I can't tell. I may have jumped the gun by telling him I loved him just now."

And I'm thinking of Izuku again, wondering why I let him be the first to say the three words. I wish I had just said it the moment I realized, back when we were watching the meteor shower together. We've talked today, but there hasn't been a single mention of the kiss—more like make-out session—or anything else that went on last night. Still, there's this tense atmosphere whenever we're around each other. Even my friends noticed it.

*Izuku's POV*

Ochako and I are the only ones on cleaning duty today. Tension rests between us, leaving me to wonder, should I have said 'I love you' last night? Should I have waited for her response? Should I have kissed her like that?

In the closet, I rearrange the boxes on their corresponding shelves. It's hard to fit them all into the limited space I have, so Ochako comes in to help. Every time one falls, she either makes it float back onto the shelves or gracefully scoops it up and places it there herself to avoid getting too nauseous.

We do this for a while, eventually getting into a groove before a loud bang comes from behind us and the room goes dark. The door decided it doesn't want to stay open today.

"This happened last time. Here, I'll get it," Ochako smiles confidently, inching past supplies to reach the door. She turns the knob, but it doesn't open.

I hold my breath anxiously as she tries desperately to bring light back into the small, tight space, but to no avail. "I don't get it. I-it worked last time. C'mon, I want you to open. I need you to open!" she commands, directing her voice to the door.

I run over to help, straining my muscles to open the damn door. Now we're both out of breath, aware that the door is jammed from the inside and will probably stay that way until someone opens it from the other side.

"Dammit, it's jammed," I mumble.

Ochako sighs. "We're trapped in here."

That's when I look around at the confined area we're stuck in. It's just my girlfriend and I, sharing the same small space, breathing the same air.

No, it's not the time to be thinking those things, I remind myself.

"How long do you think we'll be stuck in this place?" I ask.

"No clue. Could be hours if no one shows up," Ochako says, her eyebrows furrowing.

We don't have our phones, so there's basically no way of communicating with the outside world right now. It could be more than hours. It could be all night. Hell, if for some reason the class doesn't notice us tomorrow, we could be in here forever.

"Why is it always us? We get caught in the strangest situations," I say. Knowing I'll be in this closet for a while, I sit on the freezing, firm floor, leaning against the wall.

Ochako begins to laugh as she takes the small crevice next to me and says, "like last night."

*Ochako's POV*

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