This Feeling

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*Izuku's POV*

"That must be Uraraka," my mother says excitedly when the doorbell rings. I hurry through the house to the front door, barely keeping myself together.

The girl I've been waiting for is standing on the other side with a bright smile plastered on her face. I can't help but notice her stylish clothes since it's the first time I've seen her out of her UA uniform. She's wearing a white short-sleeved shirt with a gray sweater over it and black capris; her clothing is perfect for the day since summer is approaching fast.

"Hey, Deku!" Uraraka says.

"C-come in," I respond, clearing the path for her. She says hello to my mother and changes into her hero costume, which makes her look even prettier. I try my best not to stare too much, but end up failing miserably. We head out to the backyard to start the project, not wasting any time.

Everything starts off well and after a few minutes I've already got a few pros and cons of my quirk. Even though they're pretty obvious, at least I'm getting somewhere.

Uraraka uses her quirk to levitate rocks into the air. I don't think she realizes I notice this, and it looks like she's waiting for me to attack. I power up my quirk, but only in one finger since it's just a practice match. Knowing her plan, I sprint toward her, evading all the stones she wants to hit me with. Suddenly I've powered up more than I should have, and I'm way too close to Uraraka to slow down. Shit.

I end up hitting her hard in the stomach, causing her to fall back. Worried, I don't hesitate to run over to her.

She looks hurt, and for some reason it feels like I've been stabbed in the chest. I'm thinking about how I could have prevented this all from happening if I was just a little more careful, when, without warning, I instinctively wrap my arms around her.

"Are you okay, Uraraka?"


*Ochako's POV*

His grip tightens around my body as he asks that question. The pain I felt in my stomach a moment ago vanishes like the wind, and I'm left with a fuzzy feeling in my chest. Not to mention the heart palpitations and the warmth filling my cheeks.

Breathe, breathe, breathe. Don't die.

These words replay over and over in my head until I get too nervous and say, "Y-yeah, Deku, I-I'm fine. You can l-let go now."

He snaps out of whatever daze he was in and backs away quickly, his face obviously red. I can't blame him; mine is too. "I-I'm so sorry, Uraraka," he exclaims, his voice cracking on almost every word.

"It's okay, I'm not hurt, either," I whisper, turning away. There's no way I can look at him. I keep remembering the details of the embrace, wishing I hadn't asked him to let go.

The way his fluffy hair brushed my neck with the slightest movement, and how his hands arms felt so broad strong around my shoulders. The way his hands gripped my shirt so tightly as if he'd loose me at any second; it was all unforgettable.

After a minute, the tension between us cools down. I'm not even sure why there was so much awkwardness in the first place. It's not like we kissed or anything.

Wait, why am I even thinking about that?

We continue to battle for a little while longer until the sun begins to disappear behind the horizon.

Upon arriving inside, Ms. Midoriya makes me a cup of green tea to calm the pain in my stomach and the nauseous feeling from using my quirk. Afterwards, I ask Deku where we should work on the project.

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