Is This a Date?

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*Ochako's POV*

"C'mon, guys! I'm being serious!" I shout. All the girls in Class 1-A are laughing their asses off like they just heard the funniest thing in the world. Mina and Momo are practically falling off the bed.

"I'm dead," Momo says, tears lining her eyes. I seriously don't get why everyone thinks this is so hilarious. I stare at them all, completely clueless.

"We've been spelling it out for you since the beginning of the year," Kyouka says. "You don't just feel this way toward Midoriya for no reason. You've got a crush. C-R-U-S-H. Get it now?"

I knew this answer was coming, but it still manages to catch me off guard. A crush, huh? My cheeks flush at the thought of it.

"Aw, look at Ochako. She's all embarrassed now," Mina teases, making a pouty face.

"Stop, Mina!" I beg.

When there's a moment of silence, Tsuyu bluntly asks, "When are you going to ask him out, ribbit?"

"W-who said I was gonna do that? It's not like he'll say yes." After hearing this, Momo and Mina begin to chuckle again.

"Just listen to her for once, will you, Ochako? Don't doubt us on this." Momo says.

"But why?"

Toru responds, "Just give it a shot."

Wanting to bring up another topic of discussion, I ask Momo how things are with Todoroki. They've been dating for almost two months now.

"Better than ever. We've already made out. Multiple times!" Momo squeals as if it's not a big deal.

"Details. Now," Kyouka says without a second of hesitation. While Momo describes all her steamy make-out sessions with Todoroki, I imagine what it would feel like to kiss Deku. There's only one word to describe it: good.

For the rest of the time at Mina's house, we gossip about our crushes. Tsuyu tells us all about how cute Tokoyami is; Kyouka talks about her crush, Kaminari; Toru describes her relationship with Ojiro; and we even discuss about how close Kirishima and Bakugo are getting. They should just hook up already.


*Izuku's POV*

As long as Iida is around Uraraka and I, there's no reason to be nervous with Uraraka. That's the only thought keeping me together on Monday. But of course, Iida decides to spend lunch with his new girlfriend, Hatsume, leaving me alone with Uraraka at our lunch table. Dammit, where's Iida when you need him?

"So, Deku, got any... uh... plans for after school today?"

A little confused, I respond with, "no, why do you ask?"

"I don't know, just because, I guess. The girls are all busy with the project and I thought that maybe we could hang out. As friends!" Uraraka says, adding a little more excitement into those last two words.

As friends.

"Sure," I comply hesitantly. "Where do you want to go?"

"I was thinking we could head to the plaza. There are a ton of shops there!" Uraraka exclaims in a bubbly tone.

"Alright. Let's walk there after school," I reply warmly, happy that I'll be spending time with the girl I like, even if she just sees me as a friend.

*Ochako's POV*

When the bell at the end of the school day rings, my heart goes into overdrive. I'm about to go on a date—well, sort of—with Deku, who I just recently figured out I have a crush on.

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