The Amusment Park

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I didn't know wtf to title this, lol 😂

Before anyone attacks me, I know it's been like fifteen years since I've posted anything. I honestly have no excuse except for a week-long vacation and procrastination. I'M SORRY!!

I also had no idea how to make the dance a two-parter because chapter 1 would be boring af, so I decided to do another cute date chapter instead!! Enjoy it!!


*Ochako's POV*

When my eyes glance over that familiar messy green hair, it's easy for me to pick out Izuku from the crowd. A small smile creeps onto my face as I make my way over to him and tap his shoulder. His face lights up when he sees me.

"Hey, Izuku. I'm not late, am I?," I say, wondering how long he's been standing here. I hope I haven't caused him to worry.

"You're not; there's still five minutes until four."

I sigh. "Thank goodness! The train kinda got delayed a little and I didn't want to worry you." I sneakily intertwine my fingers with his and he grips my hand tightly in return. I notice his cheeks go pink under all his freckles. Actually, now that I take a second glance, it seems like he has more of them than before. It's probably because it's officially summer now and the sun is always out.

"It's alright, Ochako. You ready to go?" Izuku asks. I nod and we get in line for tickets to get into the amusement park. We decided to go on a more exciting date this time instead of something romantic like that meteor shower we saw together a few weeks ago.

"Let's go on a roller coaster first!" I say the moment we enter the park. I can practically feel Izuku's energy shift from excited to nervous. His hand suddenly gets clammy and I wonder if he doesn't like big rides. I add, "B-but only if you want to."

"N-no! I totally want to." He seems pretty confident but his voice comes off as a little shaky. "Which one, though? There are three."

"The biggest one, of course!" I say.

*Izuku's POV*

Once we get through most of the line and are only minutes away from boarding the ride, my mind starts to go hazy. In all honesty, can't stand roller coasters. The sheer altitude that you drop from, that horrible feeling when your stomach sinks on the way down, the fear that your seatbelt will come undone at any moment; everything about them terrifies me.

Of course I can't tell Ochako that, though, since she's been wearing a genuine smile ever since we agreed to go on. I would feel like shit if I hurt her over something as petty as my fears.

"The drop is over 200 feet! Can you believe that?" Ochako exclaims, barely able to contain her excitement by the time we're next to each other in our seats.

"T-that's really high." I try to make it sound like that's a good thing but I stutter anyway.

"I know, right? I can't wait!"

I still haven't pulled myself together by the time we leave the station. Suddenly our car is being pulled uphill and it doesn't take long enough until, we're at the top. I hold on for dear life as the front of the car starts to plummet, pulling the back—where we're sitting—with it.

I've got a death grip on the handle for the whole ride, closing my eyes half the time. Ochako has her hands in the air like she's having the time of her life while I'm trying my hardest not to scream in terror next to her. I'm worried we'll be stuck on the ride forever when, finally, the train comes to a jolting stop that leaves me lurching forward in my seat.

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