"Cleaning" The Classroom

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*Ochako's POV*

"Are you dating Midoriya?" Sero asks me with a bunch of male classmates surrounding him. "Is the rumor really true?"

"WHAT? THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL THAT DAMN NERD IS DATING SOMEONE! I'M SUPPOSED TO BEAT THAT ASSHOLE IN EVERYTHING!" Bakugo roars. Kirishima tried his best to calm him down before he blows up the whole classroom.

As I'm backing away, the girls join in as well. The only ones who aren't involved are Momo, Todoroki, Tsuyu, Iida, Mina, and of course, Bakugo, who's getting dragged off by Kirishima.

"It's true," Mina informs. She'll regret that later.

The whole class erupts in one collective gasp and begins drowning me with questions. "How long?" or "have you guys gone on a date yet?" or "how'd you win him over?"

"G-guys! It's not a big deal," I say, shielding my face. I wonder what Deku would think if he was here right now.

Suddenly, there's a thud at the doorway. Everyone turns their attention to the person standing there with their school bag on the ground. It's Deku.

"Hey, Midoriya. Don't mind us," Kaminari says. "We're only talking about you and your girlfriend over here."

"Did you guys know..." Momo teases. I'm pretty sure I know what she's going to say. It didn't take long for her to find out about our kiss yesterday.

"That..." she continues. The whole class has their eyes locked on her now. Mine sure are as well, but instead of showing curiosity, I'm telepathically sending her death threats. I turn my head toward Deku, who's still standing there in shock but is now furiously sweating.

"What? Tell us!" Mina begs.

By now, everybody in Class 1-A is intrigued. Even Bakugo is looking toward the commotion.

"What's the crowd for? Everyone, get back in your seats, now; unless you want extra homework," Mr. Aizawa nonchalantly warns us when he walks into the classroom. No one hesitates to listen. The thought of more homework on top of the project is enough to make them shut up, thankfully.

At the end of the day, Mr. Aizawa asks Deku and I to clean up the classroom since he's going somewhere; probably off to have fun with Present Mic. I won't complain, though. Even though polishing the room is usually tiring work, having my boyfriend there will make it a thousand times better.

As we're picking up loose scraps of paper, Deku and I talk about an upcoming test. We soon trail off into asking each other about all of the rumors going around, though. I find a magazine filled with half-naked female models stuffed inside Mineta's desk, which I roll my eyes at. No surprise there.

"Ochako, can you come help pick this up? Someone dropped their pencil sharpener over here," Deku questions from across the class.

I grab a dust pan and kneel beside him. There are more shavings than I originally expected; all of them from colored pencils. There are blues—lots of blues—with some red ones and a few forest green ones here or there, just like the color of Deku's eyes.

*Deku's POV*

"Sorry for making you clean this up," I apologize.

"No, it's fine. It would take forever to clean this up alone."

My shoulders keep rubbing up against hers every once in a while, leaving my heart in a knotted mess. I want to kiss her so badly right now, but I could never tell her that.

"L-let's clean the storage closet," Ochako says once we've picked up the pencil shavings. I agree, and it only hits me that we'll be alone together in a tight space after we're inside. I leave the door open to keep my heart from going into overdrive.

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