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Sorry for the long wait, but I was finally able to get a new chapter out. Thanks everyone for 5k reads and over 100 votes!! Since this is my first fan fiction, I really appreciate it! :)


*Ochako's POV*

As the morning sun burns against my back, I finally gain awareness of the world, waking from my deep sleep. The very first thing I see when my eyes open is Izuku's incredibly adorable face.

All the memories of last night come flooding back to me like a huge wave I'm unable to handle, because as soon as I clearly remember everything, I start blushing. From the moment I entered his room to the minute I fell asleep all feels like a misleading dream.

So when Izuku has got his face inches away from mine, I can't help but admire it. His soft lips and peaceful expression are the greatest things in the whole goddamned universe. I play with the curls in his hair unconsciously as my heart soars out of my chest and back into it.

The sheets start to ruffle as Izuku turns, causing me to freeze like a deer in headlights. His eyelids are half-open, meaning he's just now waking up. My blush becomes much more prominent before I turn around and sit up. "I-I'm sorry," I say.

"What time is it?" Izuku mumbles, either avoiding or not noticing me (probably the latter), while checking his phone. Suddenly his eyes widen as if he's finally aware he's awake. "6:52? Shit!" he says while jumping out of bed. "Breakfast starts at seven! Kaminari's already gone, too! We gotta go."

"But won't they think it's weird if we're both late?" I ask, now looking up at him with a worried face.

"We won't be late if we rush," Izuku answers.

Izuku and I get ready at a record speed of five minutes. We may not look great, but it's better than arriving after seven and having our classmates question us. That leaves Izuku and I with three minutes to spare, so Izuku goes down to breakfast first and I follow two minutes after.

*Izuku's POV*

I stuff food onto my plate after reaching the breakfast bar around the same time as my classmates. Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima invite me to sit in the last open seat at their table.

"What's up with your bed head?" Sero asks. I can almost feel Kaminari's smirk burning into my soul.

"Oh, I just woke up late. Didn't have time to fix it," I say. It's technically not a lie.

"On another note, what's up with you and Ochako? How's the relationship going?" says Kaminari. I eye him suspiciously, knowing what he wants to get at.

"We're doing fine. The relationship's going well."

"Anything interesting happen between the two of you?" he continues to pry.

"W-we've kissed a few times. That's about it," I manage to say, hoping Kaminari will stop talking about it now.

"Lucky bastard. I want kiss a girl, too," Sero sighs, giving me a look that genuinely has me fearing for my life.

"I'll steal Bakugo's first kiss, just you guys watch," Kirishima confidently states.

"Don't tell the girls, man. They'll probably have a heart attack. I wonder how many smutty fan fictions they've made of you two," Kaminari says, rolling his eyes.

"They practically worship you guys," I say to Kirishima as his face becomes the color of his hair. He awkwardly laughs, nervousness present in his voice.

"I'm gonna ask Jirou to the dance today," Kaminari says out of the blue.

That's when I finally remember. The dance. It's in six days, and I still haven't asked Ochako. I mean, she's my girlfriend, so I can assume we're going together, but I think it would still be nice to ask her.

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