Karaoke Kiss

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Thank you so much for 200 reads, everyone!! I couldn't appreciate it more!! I'm also not sure if I'm messing up the names. I don't know the rules with kun, chan, san, or sama, so I just decided not to include them. I don't know if Ochako should call the girls in the class by their first names. I hope it's not a big deal.


*Izuku's POV*

"You and Uraraka, huh?" Todoroki asks as I'm walking by his desk to leave class.

"H-how do you know about that?"

"It's pretty damn obvious," he bluntly says, with the same lackadaisical look on his face. I sigh in defeat; I was hoping it wouldn't be so evident that we were dating.

"Oh, really? Did you know that we're going on a d-date today?" I question.

Todoroki says, "Well now I do." At least I'm aware that he doesn't know everything. "Momo and I are going on a date later, too. Wanna do a double date?" he says while twirling a pencil in his hands.

"Sure. I'll ask Ochako." When I text her, she says yes within a few seconds seconds. "She said okay."

"Momo did as well. Let's do karaoke at 6 pm." Todoroki says, taking matters into his own hands. I was going to surprise Ochako, but I guess planning it out might be better.

It's settled. Ochako and I are going on a double date.


*Ochako's POV*

"How should I style my hair?" I ask Momo as she's searching through her closet for a cute shirt to wear.

When Momo finally picks out an outfit—one that I think is a little too revealing—she gives me a reply. "Just leave it down and curl it."

As Momo is curling my hair, I ponder over the night ahead. A date. A real date; not the kind where we're thinking each other as just friends. No, Deku is my boyfriend now.

"Are you excited?" Momo asks.

"If you mean excited and nervous, then yes."

Momo looks at me like I have four heads. "What's there to be nervous about?" Did Momo seriously just ask that? There's everything to be nervous about!

"Oh, I don't think you understand. There's so much to be nervous about! I can't look like a slob! Plus, what happens if Deku tries to kiss me or something and I mess it up?" I complain.

"Like Midoriya would try to kiss you. He's a wuss," Momo replies sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"It doesn't matter. I'm still nervous."

"Just be yourself. I know it's cliche, but believe me. That's what I did with Todoroki and you know how much the real me sucks. Look where we are now." Momo has a point. Deku doesn't seem like the person who would make a scene out of trivial things.

"Thanks, Momo," I say to her, keeping my head still so I don't get burned by the curling iron.


*Izuku's POV*

Everything's in check. I have money, water, and a bunch of other things that I probably won't end up using. I check to make sure my top isn't crooked before heading out the door.

Todoroki is already waiting at the sidewalk, and we take the fifteen-minute train ride to the most popular spot for karaoke in town. I can't help but notice how Todoroki wore more casual clothes compared to the ones I'm in. Maybe I made a mistake.

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