The Blackout

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I'd like to quickly apologize for the late and short chapter. For me, summer is starting in under a week, so once I get through the last stretch of the school year, I'll be getting chapters out at a much faster pace.


*Ochako's POV*

It's Wednesday, and Deku is at my apartment. We're working on the project (for real this time) since it's been over two weeks and we're only just starting the rough draft. To say we're far behind is an understatement.

I'm still only kind of paying attention because being at my apartment means Deku and I are alone, as in alone together with no supervision. My mind runs wild and I'm blushing like crazy, hiding my face in the papers to cover it up.

Deku and I are actually getting work done when, in an instant, the whole apartment goes black; not pitch-black, but still dark enough so that neither of us can see. Deku checks the windows to see if anyone else lost their power. Turns out, the whole neighborhood is suffocated in darkness. It's a blackout.

One thing I can't stand is being alone and in the dark. Everything about it makes me feel like something will pop out of every corner. I don't need to have company during a blackout, but it does make me feel safer.

"Hey, Deku. . ."

My boyfriend turns to the sound of my voice. All I've got to do is spit out the words.

"I was wondering if. . ." I try to say. "Y-you could maybe. . ." I hesitate. "Stay until the power is on?"

"Hmm?" He goes kind of wide-eyed. "That's fine."

I breathe a sigh of relief, knowing I won't be alone for the time being. There's no telling how long this power outage could last. It could be like this all night.

Wait, all night? As in Deku might stay with me all night? I glance at Deku, wondering what he's thinking about this whole situation

I pretend that never even crossed my mind and grab a flashlight to light up the room.

"So what do you wanna do?" I ask, knowing there are better things to do than the project.

He responds with the typical, "Nothing, how about you?" So we're left to slide through Instagram on our phones, bored out of our minds.

"Hey, Ochako, look at this," Deku says after I hear laughter coming from his direction. On his phone is a picture posted by Kirishima. It's of him and Bakugo in dresses and makeup and Bakugo clearly doesn't look very happy about it, because his lipstick and mascara is smeared and he has this furious look in his eyes. On the other hand, Kirishima seems to be enjoying himself a little too much. It's captioned: ready for the dance!

I'm in tears at this point, hunched over on the floor I'm laughing so hard. It's not long before Deku joins me, although he doesn't seem to find it as funny. The whole idea of Bakugo in a dress is enough to have me rolling on the floor, but to actually see him in one? After composing ourselves, we spend more time browsing Instagram, having the time of our lives.

*Izuku's POV*

One minute we're bored out of our minds and the next we're searching social media for something to laugh our asses off at. I notice Ochako is closer to me than before.

"Want to take a p-picture together?" I ask, suddenly feeling the need to get even closer.

"Sure," she says, opening her camera and turning the flash on. We both smile and bring our faces in, my cheek touching hers.

"Cute," she whispers when we take a look at the result. Our cheeks are evidently redder in the picture than they are now.

"Send it to me," I say, planning to save it as my home screen. It's the first picture of Ochako and I together.

"Alright. I will right now." With that, Ochako sends the picture to me through text and I save it as my home screen. Before, my background was just one of the generic images that comes with your phone. I like this new one a lot better.

Along with the photo comes a text.

Ochako<3: You look really cute in this

I'm blushing uncontrollably, and when I glance at Ochako, I realize she is too. She only looks up for the briefest second before typing something else.

Ochako<3: Like, really cute

Was she too embarrassed to say it out loud?

Ochako<3: So cute that I want to kiss you

Ochako<3: Badly

Right then and there, I make a decision. I'm not going to hesitate, I'm just gonna kiss her. Like, really kiss her.

While she's still too flustered to look me in the eyes, I caress a hand down her jaw line, and she finally turns to me. The moment I see those beautiful brown eyes and those furiously red cheeks, I waste no time planting my lips on hers.

*Ochako's POV*

First our lips are together and now our tongues join in. For some reason, I tell myself not to use my quirk because I want to enjoy this. His tongue dances around in my mouth, exploring every crevice with a sense of urgency I've never seen him have before. Deku's hands run a path down my back that I can undoubtably trace while I ruffle my hands through his hair, loving every strand of it. We're not just kissing, we're making-out.

We kiss like this for a few more minutes, although it could be shorter than that—I've lost track of time. Nothing separates us until the lights suddenly flicker on. We pull apart in surprise, panting heavily.

We didn't do anything really intimate. No, not even close. My hands never slid below his hips and he never put his below mine or under my shirt. That doesn't stop me from being an emotional, flustered, awkward wreck as we sit in silence, our breathing finally slowing to normal speed.

"Did we just do that?" Deku says in disbelief.

"Y-yeah, we did," I mumble, so embarrassed that I want to curl into a ball and never unravel.

Another string of silence wafts through, putting a heavy weight on my shoulders. I try to change the subject. "The lights are back on, so I guess your fine to go home, Deku."

"I'll get going then. Oh, and, Ochako, can I ask you something?"


"Why don't you call me Izuku yet?"

I've always thought calling him Deku was fine. I mean, it's not like I call him Midoriya, and no one else in class really calls him Deku. But now that I think about it, he's been calling me by my first name since we started dating, and after what we just did, it only seems right to call him by his.

"You're right, I-Izuku. Why don't I call you by your first name yet?" I say, smiling. I notice a blush on his cheeks as he gets ready to leave.

"One more thing, Ochako," Izuku says as he's about to leave my apartment. I'm about ask him what when he brings his face close to my ear, causing it to go bright red and the hairs on my neck to stand straight up. He whispers something that can only be "I love you."

And then he's out the door, leaving me in a puddle of happiness on the floor. He actually said it. The boy I love said he loves me.

I want to tell him I love him too, so I pull myself together to the point where I can actually speak again and slam the door open, letting it hit the wall. I check both ways frantically, but Izuku is gone already.

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