Shooting Stars

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*Ochako's POV*

We've barely gotten to our seats before Mr. Aizawa blatantly says he has something to announce. No one's actually paying attention, though, due to the fact that it's Monday and raining in the middle of June.

"The school will be holding a summer dance next Friday," he informs. Everyone's now eyeing him like a hawk, taking in every detail of what he has to say. After all, this meant we could possibly dance with our crushes, or in my case, my boyfriend.

Our teacher goes on to talk about prices for food and beverages, what to wear, and where the dance will be held. I'm more busy worrying about Deku and I, though. Am I supposed to ask him now? Will he ask me first? Should I approach him beforehand?

*Izuku's POV*

I'm going to ask Ochako to the dance, but I'm just not sure exactly how to. Should I make it a big deal or just bring it up casually? There's just so much to think about. I quickly glance at her, hoping she's looking my way, but she's not. Instead of exchanging eye contact, I turn my attention back up to Mr. Aizawa just like she is.

After class, Ochako is talking with her friends and I decide not to bother her. I'm about to leave the school when Kaminari, Kirishima, and Iida come up behind me.

"So when are you gonna ask Uraraka to the dance?" Kaminari asks.

"I will when I find the time," I reply.

"Oh by the way, when will you ask Jirou?" Kirishima says to Kaminari.

Kaminari begins to blush. "Who said I was going to ask her?"

"Even I've noticed you like her," I say, knowing I'm the dense one out of the four of us. Kaminari rolls his eyes, shaking his head but not quite denying it.

"Iida, have you asked Mei already?" Kaminari questions.

"She approached me first at lunch. I said yes, naturally," Iida says.

"Even a geek got a girlfriend before me!" Kaminari complains, sighing.

"See you later, losers. I'm gonna ask-" Kirishima starts, but is cut off by Iida.

"We know who you're going to ask."

Upon arriving home, I find my mother vacuuming the living room, humming to herself. "Oh, Izuku, did you hear about the meteor shower tonight? It's supposed to be a once-in-a-lifetime thing. The rain has cleared up and so have the clouds, so it'll be totally visible! I'll be at work, though, sadly."

I had absolutely no clue that there was such a big event going on tonight, but now that I know, a good idea pops into my head.

*Ochako's POV*

I'm practically hugging my bed, tired from lugging around the weight of the dance on my shoulders. With nothing to do, I scroll through YouTube before getting a text from Deku.

Deku<3: Are u doing anything today?

Me: Not really, why? Wanna do something?

Deku<3: I have something to show you. It'll be pretty, I promise.

Me: Are we going alone?

Deku<3: Yep. Just you and me. I'll be there to pick you up at nine.

I check the time at the top of my phone screen: 3:34 p.m. I've got five hours to kill.

After what feels like days, it's finally nine p.m., and Deku is at my door with two folded chairs and a see-through bag that has a towel in it. Why? I've got absolutely no idea, but I can assume we're doing something outside.

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