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After almost two weeks I finally got around to posting a chapter!! In all honesty, though, I just haven't been really motivated to write lately. This chapter was so painful and boring to write, but the next ones will be way more eventful and I'm actually excited to get them done, so I hope to get another chapter out much sooner. Sorry about the long wait, everyone.


*Ochako's POV*

Today is the day. It's now or never; I've got to talk to him. If I don't ask him about the dance now, I might not get another chance before Friday.

I walk into school confidently, knowing that no matter what, I'm going to see Izuku. And once I see him, I'll make casual conversation until there's a silence. That's when I'll bring up the topic of the dance, and everything will go smoothly after that.

Sadly, the morning goes by and I don't get a single chance to talk to him, but when lunch comes, it feels like the ideal opportunity.

"So, Izuku, I wanted to—"

"Ochako, come here," Momo calls from her table. The other girls are motioning for me to come over and I reluctantly take a seat, knowing that I can't have my friends bugging me for the entirety of the lunch period. "Look at this!" she says, showing me an adorable photo of Kirishima and Bakugo.

"Where'd you guys get this?" I ask.

"Kirishima sent it to the group chat. If you didn't notice, Bakugo's in a pretty nasty mood today," Mina comments. I can't help but smile because they couldn't look any more like a couple. Mina and Momo fangirl but I quickly head back to Izuku's table, determined to talk to him about the dance. Im not about to let this chance slip away.

"What were you trying to say?" Izuku asks as I take a seat back at the table.

"I wanted to talk to you about—" I start, hoping to finally get some words it when I'm rudely interrupted by a loud clatter radiating from the cafeteria floor. I sigh. Of course someone decides to drop their tray at the very same moment I'm trying to say something incredibly important.

"Geez, again? It's like the world has it out for you, Ochako," Izuku says.

I decide it's about time I drop the topic, as it seems the world really does have it out for me. "It's not a big deal," I lie. "Never mind."

When the school day ends, an amazing opportunity to talk to Izuku comes to my mind. Mr. Aizawa put him in charge of organizing the classroom with another student today. I don't know who the other person is; I just know that Izuku's in the classroom. All I've got to do is wait for him to finish and then we can walk home together. A smile creeps it's way into my face while I stand outside the UA building, happy that all my stress will come to a close in just a few minutes.

That is, until it starts raining. I don't mean just light showers, I'm talking full on pouring to the point where I'm completely drenched. I seek the school roofs for shelter, panting due to sprinting so fast. My efforts go to waste anyway as my clothes are dripping wet.

I lean against the wall and slide down until I'm comfortably sitting, sighing at my own boredom and unluckiness. All I've got to do is wait for Izuku. There's no way my luck could go even further downhill. I tell myself he'll be down any minute while listening to music to distract my wandering mind.

Eventually, after telling myself multiple times that I have to stay, my own boredom and excitement gets to me. So I maneuver my way around the school until I reach our classroom.

*Izuku's POV*

"Did you get the chance to ask her, ribbit?" Asui questions while we line the desks back up to their original position. I sigh, knowing this topic would eventually come up.

"No. I tried this weekend but there was never a chance. Not even today." I push the next chair in with a little more force than before.

"Why don't you just text her, ribbit?"

"I want it to be a little more personal than that," I say. "But judging by how unlucky I've been, I might just have to resort to that."

"You'll get the chance, Midoriya. I bet she's just as worried as you are, ribbit," Asui advises. The corners of my lips turn upwards when I remember that I still have four days, and if it comes down to it, I could just text her.

"Thanks again, Asui."

She gives me a dorky smile before asking, "are we done, ribbit?"

"No, I think we still have the closet." I point to the door in the corner of the room and her smile fades. I don't blame her as the closet is always a complete mess, but I've had to organize it so many times that I've gotten used to the clutter.

Instead of having the door shut on us like it did when I was in here with Ochako, I leave a box in the doorway to keep it from suddenly closing. We stack more and more boxes onto the shelves, my excitement growing as we get closer and closer to getting this done so we can go home. I'm lifting one of the last boxes and am about to put it on the highest shelf when I hear a yelp from beside me. I turn just in time to see Asui, who's about to crash straight into the ground.

Without thinking, I grab her hand as she goes down, hopefully softening her land. But when I open my eyes, I realize I've ended up on top of her and my face flushes due to the embarrassment of our position. I'm about to tell her 'sorry' and pull her onto her feet until I see Asui's beady eyes go wide. She pushes me off of her and stares directly at the doorway, so, naturally, I turn to see what's got her interested.

My whole body freezes once my eyes meet Ochako, who's staring at the two of us in disbelief. Even from a far distance, I can see her eyes well up with tears. "I-Izuku?" she mutters.

"Ochako, wait. You've got it wrong," I reason, but it's too late, because she's already running out of the classroom.

"I'm sorry, Asui, but can you finish this? I gotta catch up to her," I plead.

"Whatever you need, ribbit. Don't let her get away."

I sprint out of the classroom, thanking Asui in my head because right now all I can think of is explaining myself to my girlfriend. I run through the hallways and down to the main entrance, looking for any sign of Ochako. But it's too late; she's already long gone.


I know this chapter was super short and cringy, but this is what happens when you write at 2 am.

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