8| Why On Earth Would You Love A Sarcastic Asshole?

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Chapter 8: Why On Earth Would You Love A Sarcastic Asshole?

Monday; September 16th

Jonella's pov
4 weeks ago, I left California along with my friends, 2 weeks ago my friends came back to California, and now here I am, standing in LAX.

According to my friends, a lot of rumours about me went around school while I was missing, apparently Sinclaire broke off his relationship with Britney a week ago.

Now I'm waiting for my luggage with Daniel, he's a childhood best friend, in those last 2 weeks without my friends, I lived with him in his penthouse.

I've know Daniel as long as I've know Bella. It used to be us three, Jonella, Bella and Daniel. We were inseparable.

Well until Daniel's father got a job promotion, which caused them to relocate to New York in fourth grade.

No one else knew who Dane was, since we started to form the gang in sixth grade.

"Ellie, can you grab a cart?" Dane said, "oh yeah sure." I said before walking away,

Daniel is moving back in California, his parents separated a few months back, he only told Bella and I about it.

I called Bella, "hey Bells, just arrived, Dane and I will be staying in InterContinental for 3 days 2 nights. Our flight to San Francisco is on Thursday, 13:00."

I grabbed a cart and head back towards Daniel's direction

"Hey Jonnie! I miss you! Why are you guys still staying in LA? But ok, Alec and I will be picking you up, Bert and Edrick are tagging along as well." She informed, "I'm going with Daniel to this event, he invited me as his date, it's called the red and white ball, it's sponsored by YouTube." I said

"Oh and by the way, you should check out ball room gowns there, apparently we're having a royal masquerade ball on the first week or second week of November." She said,

"Really? I don't think I'll go though." She Just gasps as a respond

"Belle?" I asked, "Who are you and what have you done to my best friend who likes to go to school parties," she said in disbelief.

"Ok fine I'm going, if Dane gets to come with." I deal

"Of course Dane can come! Is that even a question!" She exclaimed

"Anyways, I got to go. See you later! Love you lots." I said before hanging up.

"Who was that?" Dane asked as I approached him, "Bella." I replied, "oh!" He smiled.

He is so adorable, with his brown hair that he always run his fingers through, his striking blue eyes, his sharp jawline, and his faint freckles.

When we were younger, I used to have this huge crush on him and him to me. We used to hold hands by the swings, we even slept on the same couch! I used to wonder why people make a big deal if they sleep with someone, welp, back when I was still innocent.

I can tell you this, hold on to your innocence cause once it's gone, it's gone forever, it'll never come back.

Mom always set up playdates, Daniel was my protector before, when someone would pick on me he would be there to stand up to them, he'd tell them to go away.

We used to talk a lot when even when he left, but when I was in 7th grade it kind of just stopped, what used to be every day and night became once every 2 days, then it became once every week, once every month until it became every birthdays and Christmas.

I do admit, I missed him, a lot. But are those feelings coming back? Maybe. Am I over Greyson? No! Of course not, albeit I wish I was.


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