31| Flirting

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Chapter 31: Flirting

Tuesday; August 27th

Jonella's pov

"We should hang out after class!" Lexa suggested after they finished gushing over the ring Nic gave me

"Definitely!" I agreed, "I go where she goes." Nic said to the group, "yeah, I'm down." Alec said, "yeah sure" Rey said, "I can't." Lou said, "same here" Bert said guiltily, "me too." Ed said

"Why? You guys have to go somewhere?" Alec asked and their faces paled even more

"Uhm yeah, uh we're going to Bert's place" Lou said not meeting our eyes

"Oh ok, well I guess we'll go without you guys" I said with a frown


"We're not actually going somewhere right?" Bella asked, "nope." I replied.

"We spying on them?" She asked again, "fuck yeah." I said smirking


"Trio is leaving the building. I repeat the trio is leaving the building." Lexa said over the phone

"Copy that." I replied

"Trailing behind the trio." Bella said

"Trailing behind Alec & Bella" I said

"Trailing behind Greyson & Jonnie" Lexa said,

"Trailing behind Lexa and Rey. Last to leave the building." James said


"Jonnnnnieeee. We've been spying for half an hour now. There's still no movement." James whined

"Ok, I'm sorry guys. Let's go get ice cream my tre-" I was cut of by Bella

"Guys! They're heading out! Look!" She said in a hushed tone

And we see Bert's car pull out of the driveway.

We trail behind them and they stopped at the school.

They park, exit the car, and enter the school.

We wait for them to shut the entrance door before we started to walk towards the entrance.

Once we enter, we see them enter the last room in the 1st corridor.

Chem. lab

"What are they doing?" Bella murmured under her breath

"Welcome to extra credits class, in a moment I will be assigning you your products..." the teacher said

"Why didn't they tell us?" Lexa said

"I haven't even gotten my gpa grade yet." I said

"Yeah me too" Nic and James said at the same time

"But knowing you guys, you already probably got a 5.0, so don't fret about it" Rey said


Lunchtime the following day...

"Got my gpa grade already." I said to the group

"Got mine earlier today." James said

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