12| Take A Picture It'll Last Longer

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{[A/N] I enjoy making their outfits and all that, so please understand my weirdness. There's a ton of pictures in this chapter. Comment if I should stop doing it, Still do it but less frequently, or if I should do it more often.}

Chapter 12: Take A Picture It'll Last Longer

Monday; October 8th

Jonella's pov
Today we're leaving for Dubai,

It will be, James, Edrick, Bert, Me, Bella, Louise, Alexa and of course, Daniel.

Jared and Annie are visiting Dad.

Rey is going to New Jersey.

Everyone bonded since that night we ate at Pendleton's restaurant [Pendleton is Daniel's father]

Pendleton's driver will be picking us up at my house, and we'll be riding a jet to Dubai.

Everyone is here except for James.

It's still quite early so I think we'll be alright.

"Does everyone got everything?" I asked and a chorus of 'yes' could be heard.

Fall Break started Last Friday.

And Over the weekend I pretty much didn't do anything, just packed my stuff for the trip.

Daniel is homeschooling for this school year, he'll be joining us, next school year.

Greyson and Britney were M.I.A. In school.

No one knows where they are and Greyson rarely talks to Alec.

James finally arrives and the driver arrives momentarily

We drove to the airport and boarded the jet.

Everyone was amazed with the jet,

I sat down, on the front.

"Hi I'm Kathleen, one of your attendants, our pilot is Capt. John Leen and his co-pilots, Capt. Fred Alens and Capt. Damien Fawn, my co-attendants, Lucy, Jake, Kade and Vern. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call us. I will be telling you the interior of the jet. If you head straight down the hall, the private master bedroom will be there, the last corridor to the left is a private room, same on the right. There are 8 beds along the hallway, if you wish to sleep. If you choose not to, you can lounge in this area. As you can see there are two doors behind you. One is a screening room, you can watch movies, shows in there. Next to it is a meeting room, it has a long table and chairs, if you wish to do work, or in your case, homework. You can. If you need anything, we'll be giving each of you a hand clicker, click it and we'll be at where you are in a moment, there's a red button on each room, it's purpose is similar to the hand clicker, it will bring us to your location. That will be all, the lavatory is on the first left corridor. everyone must be on the lounge when we take off, and when we land. As soon as we're on the air you are free to do whatever you want. Our flight to Dubai will be around 16 hours and 30 minutes, depends on the air traffic and how strong the turbulences is. You don't have to worry, you can barely feel the turbulence. Our final destination, Dubai, is 11 hours ahead of California. The jet will be taking off in a few minutes and I suggest that you take a seat. That will be all for now, thank you."

Everyone got settled down,

"Hi this is your pilot speaking, we're about to take off" the speakers went off.

The plane took off,

"You may now, stand up, and do as you please." Kathleen said

"I'm going to go nap." I told everyone, "mind if I join you?" Daniel asked, "not at all."

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