11.2| Even Barbie Wouldn't Wear That Much Pink part 2

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Chapter 11:Even Barbie Wouldn't Wear That Much Pink (part 2)


He pulled the trigger,

A gun shot went off.

I stood there frozen. So did everyone else.

"Guys I'm fine." Daniel said, facing us, unscathed.

I ran up to him and hugged him,

"Why the fuck would you do that!!" I said slapping his shoulder.

"It's my dad's restaurant I know a few things about it, like the new guards can't hold a loaded gun," Daniel shrugged

"Don't you ever do that again!" I said, still not over the fact that he pulled the trigger

"Now let us in, or I'll get your sorry ass fired." Daniel said to the guard

"What's going on here?" A scarier looking guard came closer

"Head guard." Daniel said curtly, "ah! Mr. Parker. What can I help you with?" He said with a smile

"Your minions won't let me, and my friends in the VIP parking." Daniel said

"Oh, forgive me for the misunderstanding, please by all means," the Head guard said, then he swiped his keycard and the glass parted.

"Thank you." Daniel said, and everyone went back to their cars and parked.

Now I get it why it's called the VIP parking. Everything inside is Marble, and gold. It looks so fancy.

"Come on." Daniel said grabbing my hand.

We went to the elevator and went down to reception.

The Maitre d' greeted us, it wasn't Gregg but at least he knows who Daniel is,

"Table for 12, it's under Parker." Daniel said to the Maitre d'

"Wait for a moment, we'll be setting your table. The sommelier will be arriving shortly, to take your wine order." The Maitre d' said

"Hello, I'm Dante, you're sommelier of the night. Do you have any requests? Or do you want the menu?" Dante asked.

"Request," Daniel replied

"What do you guys want?" Daniel asked the rest of the group

They told him to choose.

"We'll have the Domaine de la Romanee Conti, the Bollinger Vieilles Vignes Françaises, and the Piper-Heidsieck Rare Rosé" Daniel said

"Ok sir, once you arrive at your table, your wine will await you." The sommelier said before stalking off

After a while the captain walked towards us, "Hello I'm Damon, I'll be your captain tonight, please follow me, and I'll be leading you to your table." Damon said,

We got settle in our seats and everyone ordered their food,

We talked and caught up.

Until Mr. Parker arrive, yes, Daniel's father arrived

"Matthew." Pendleton called, Daniel turned to face his father, "Father, I didn't know you were in California." Daniel said

"Ah yes, it was a last minute thing. I'm inviting you to come to Dubai on Fall Break. You can bring everyone on this table with you." He informed,

"Now if you'll excuse me," he said before walking away.

"You guys up for a trip to Dubai?" Daniel said when he turned towards us, "uhm hell yes!" I replied and so did everyone

Or orders arrived and we ate, a few conversations from here to there.

It Was quite hilarious when the bill arrived, everyone placed their debit cards.

Everyone had the same gold debit card. Literally 11 gold debit cards were placed on the table. Annie didn't bring hers, yes she owns a debit card.

"Guys I'll pay." Daniel insists, "no it's fine, they're my friends, I'll pay." I argued

Pendleton went back to our table, "you teenagers are so loud, I'll pay." He said before grabbing our bill and walking off,

But not before he muttered, "when your son and son's friends are all spoiled, minted kids who argues over the slightest things, such as who pays the bill"

We just laughed and left the restaurant.


Hugh Jackman as Pendleton Parker

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