Chapter 7- His Prospect

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Chapter 7- His Prospect

"Hey Ysabel!" Seth shouted enthusiastically as I approached them, when I mean them, Seth and his first prospect. I could really tell from the way she flipped her platinum blonde hair to the way she held her Prada bag to the six inch blue pumps she had that I am nothing like her.

"Hey, sorry I'm late" I have a tendency to be late. I woke up an hour before lunch and I had to take a quick shower before shoving my scrubs in my bag and putting on a spagetti strap top, some jeans I found in my drawer and my red flats. I raced out the door and realized, I haven't even combed my hair. I hailed a cab and dig through my bag for a ponytail or a comb and I found atleast one of those.

"That's alright" he smiled at me and I didn't miss the scowl the woman beside him had. "Ysa, this is Erica" he gestured towards the woman beside him.

"Erica, this is Ysabel" he told her and she held out a hand for me to take and we shook hands before Seth motioned for us to go inside the restaurant.

We settled in a booth by the window, Seth pulled out a chair for Erica to take while I had to drag my own chair before sitting across from them, I feel like an intruder. "How did you meet?" I started a conversation because things were getting too silent for my taste.

"Seth here" she grinned at me and put a hand at Seth's arm. "He wanted a model to do a photo shoot for their new product and then he found me"her pearly white teeth mocked me.

I smiled at them. When is this torture going to end? "Please, continue"

"We worked on the photo shoot and then he took me out to dinner as a thank you forbeing their model but I didn't feel the need to be thanked, I love being a model" she flipped her perfect platinum blonde hair and she flashed her pearly white teeth, again! Those teeth are seriously mocking me.

"Can I take your order?" A waitress went to our table and I can see her eyes lingered a little too long to Seth.

"Spaghetti and meatballs for me" Seth said first

"Caesar salad, please" Erica ordered. Typical.

"Make that two spaghetti and meatballs" I told her

"Drinks?" The waitress asked

"Your finest red wine please" Seth spoke up

"Okay, will there be anything else?" She asked.

"No" I told her while closing my menu

"Nope" Seth said with a smile on his face

The table went silent once again before Erica spoke up. "So, how did you two meet?" She asked and I was almost embarrassed to answer her question

"I gave her a ride home because her ride ditched her" Seth said casually and I glared at him

"That's so sweet of you" Erica gushed out

They stared at each other and I couldn't help but feel jealous, not because Erica has Seth in her arms but because someone hasn't looked at me that way in a long time. Maybe this was such a bad idea.

"Excuse me" I told them before retreating to the bathroom. I let out the breath I've been holding along with a single tear. A minute later, Erica walked in and I wiped the tear.

She looked at me through the mirror and smirked. This woman does not fit Seth's list.Maybe you just don't want her to. A little voice in my head spoke up and I shoved it down.

"Listen" she snapped at me and I looked at her, waiting for her next words. "Seth maybe your friend but he's mine" yup, definitely not on Seth's list.

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