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Harry's POV
I pushed open the door to our dorm, fit to burst with rage, and ready to let off anger by shouting at Draco.

But that all stopped when my eyes landed on him lying on his bed.

His chest and stomach covered in bruises, his breathing was rattling as his chest rose and fell steadily.

Blood stained his neck and face, which was smattered in black and blue.

I sank down into the armchair facing his bed, forming a tight fist to stop my hands shaking.

What the fuck was I thinking leaving class first with Hermione?I should've just waited for him, if I had've waited, he would be fine.

I angrily wiped away the tears that slipped down my face. I had no right to cry. I wasn't the one who got attacked like that. Some boyfriend I am.

I glanced at the clock, it's only 5 o'clock. I'll just let him sleep, I'll wake him up when I come back from dinner and bring some food with me.

I stood up and left the room, joining the small huddle in the common room. They all broke apart and turned to face me when they heard me come in.

"Hey. How is he?" Dean asked cautiously, obviously still afraid I would start shouting again.

"He's asleep."

"Let's go get something to eat, we can bring him something up." Ron suggested and I nodded.

"I'll stay here. Just incase." Blaise stated.

"I'll bring you something too."

"Thanks Harry."

I smiled halfheartedly in reply.

Hermione bustled over and wrapped her arms around me. I let out a sigh, relaxing into her hug.

I pulled apart from her, and glanced at the solemn faces surrounding me.

"Let's head down."


The great hall was nearly empty when we reached it, we sank down into benches at the Gryffindor table, and picked at food, keeping conversation to a minimum.

The doors creaked open again but I didn't turn around. Ron glanced up but returned to his food.

Their voices carried to us from the other end of the table, a group of Gryffindor boys the year below us.

"Did you see the way he fell?" Spoke a burly obnoxious blonde.

"Yeah I did. Stupid prat, just as stupid as his death eater father."

I could feel my blood boiling, and I wasn't the only one who had heard them, all of our eyes were focussed on the conversation going on near us.

"It's safe to say we knocked some sense into him. Or in this case.. out of him." The blonde said, letting out a stomach turning laugh.

I made to stand up, but Hermione grabbed my arm, "Don't be stupid Harry you'll make things worse."

"They can't go unpunished. Not after what they fucking did to him."

"I know that Harry. But not now, there's teachers here." She whispered hurriedly.

"She's right, we can get them tomorrow. I promise." Ron reinforced the point and the rest of the group murmured their agreements.

"Fine. Let's just go." I spat out.

I filled a plate with chips and sausages, lifting a knife and fork. I cast a warming charm over the food and stood up, leaving the room without saying anything else.

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