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Today was shit. Absolute shit.

Not including the stares I received, or the whispers that followed it, today was still shit.

I mean nothing particularly bad happened, but school is school. I've never liked it and never will.

Wednesday. Over half way through the week. Even the names is long, why does Wednesday go so much slower than any other day of the week?

I was distracted from my train of thought when Harry sat down in the armchair I was on. Yes, sat down, on my knees, in the middle of a bustling common room.

"Hey." He chirped, as though he hadn't just plonked himself down on top of me.



"Hello." I retorted, having a feeling this would go on for a bit.

"Hola." Harry broke out into a grin, and I couldn't help the smile that cracked on my face.


"Oh my god will you two stop flirting? God I'm trying to bloody concentrate here." Ron complained from the table nearest us.

"Sorry won-won. Are we annoying you? How about we have a good snog right here, then you can get a taste of your own medicine. It wasn't nice watching you and Hermione go at it each other every five minutes you know." Harry retorted, with a stern expression on his face.

"Sod off Harry." Ron spoke lowly, but loud enough for me to hear over Harry's chuckling.

"Let's go." Harry stated.

"Harry. It's 6 o'clock. Where can we possibly go at 6 o'clock."

"I dunno. For a walk?"

I rolled my eyes at this and nodded. Without giving Harry time to realise what I was planning. I pushed him off my knee and he fell to the floor with a loud thud, followed by a string of profanities, all of which were aimed at me.

"Chop chop Potter I haven't got all day."

"Oh sorry your highness." Harry grumbled as he stood up, brushing the non existent dust off his jeans.

I held out my hand and he laced his fingers through mine. A perfect fit.

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