A life update ❤️

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So it's been quite a while since I've done one of these, and quite a while since I've updated a chapter.

I have everything planned, but it's too hard to sit down and write.

It's coming to the end of the year, we're in the final few weeks of 2018.

And it's safe to say that it's been a fucking rough year.

There have been more downs than ups for me personally. This year I've struggled so fucking much with my mental health.

And recently I've found that I'm feeling so horrendous mentally that it's making my physical health deteriorate. I've a constant cold, and persistent headaches.

And I'm sick of it.

I had a week of school tests last week, and normally I spend hours revising for each test, and come out with pretty good grades.

But not this year. This year I felt so shit that I could barely get out of bed, nevermind pluck up the strength to sit and copy out notes for hours.

I had a careers interview a while back, and I know that deep down art is my only passion. So it's been so fucking hard to attempt to study and put effort into other subjects, especially those that I hate.

I'm so glad that this years coming to an end. I'm excited to start a new year, and hopefully to wipe my slate clean and try my absolute hardest to keep a stable state of mental health.

It's hard to keep going.

Really fucking hard.

I'm clinging onto every little thing that I possibly can, just to keep myself afloat.

And I'm running out of things to hold onto to.

But on a happier note, thank you guys so much for 20K reads!!

Love you all.

XoxxoX Darkdreamclouds

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