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By the time Saturday arrived, I was ready to collapse with exhaustion.

This whole week had been spent trying and failing to ignore all the whispering and lingering stares.

I looked over as Blaise nudged my side with his elbow.

"Where's Harry?" He asked.

"I don't know. He said he'd be down soon, he must be starving he never skips breakfast."

Blaise shrugged and went back to eating, completely un-phased by the goings on around him.

"I'm gonna go see where he is. See you later."

Blaise nodded with his mouth still full of food, so I set off towards the dorms.

I arrived soon after I left the Great Hall, the common room was empty.

I walked through the deserted corridor and down to our dorm, pushing the door open.

Harry was sitting slouched on his bed, his back to me. His red jumper appeared as though it had been thrown on haphazardly.


He didn't move, so I moved to the opposite side of the room to face him.

He was clutching a letter in his hands, his face pale.

"What is that?"

"I've- I've um.."
He paused, his eyes locked with mine.

"Tell me Harry."

"I've been summoned, to speak in court."

"In his retrial?" I asked, my heart dropping even though I already knew what the answer would be.

Harry nodded.

I let out a deep sigh and pulled my hands up to my head, rubbing at my face.


"I know." Harry said, as he stood up and wrapped his arms around me.

"This is so shit. I can't believe this." I said more to myself than to him.

"It'll be okay. Don't worry." Harry said quietly.

"I can't help but worry... I never can."

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