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Harry's POV:
I was rooted to the spot

"Please Harry, I know you're scared, but you have to move." Ron pleaded.

I tried to focus on the tall red haired boy that stood infront of me. I took a shaky breath and pulled myself back into the moment.

I took a few unsteady steps towards Ron, and he sighed with relief, his shoulders visibly slumping.

I smiled weakly, and followed him across the room.

He took a seat beside Draco's bed, and I took the one beside him, keeping my eyes trained on my shoes.

"I never really noticed his tattoo before." Ron said quietly.

I looked up at Draco, my heart aching as I took in the image of the boy I loved.

"It's pretty cool." Ron said, and I followed his gaze to the ink trailing over Draco's arm.

"Yeah... yeah it is." I said slowly.

I took in his face, pale yet peaceful, the bruises had faded, and cuts healed, the only evidence of change, was a small scar on his left cheekbone, that seemed to shine in the dim light of the room.

Something was off though.

I scanned his face once more, searching for something different, something missing...

"His nose rings gone!" I exclaimed, the moment I had realised.

I saw Ron jump from the side of my vision, "Bloody hell Harry. You scared me."

I laughed at Rons expression, sheer terror.

I looked back at Draco, my eyes trailing over his exposed arms which sat atop of the blue bedsheets.

A series of pink and white scars littered his arms, some looking scarily new.

I noticed the small circular burns I had pointed out in grimmauld place, he had brushed it off as a clumsy mistake. Hot wax.

"Ron... do they look like cigarette burns to you?"


"On his right arm."

"Oh... Yeah they do, don't they?" Ron said, and I could hear sadness in his voice.

"He told me it was wax, I should've known. And look at all those scars. Most of them are new, and so fucking deep. I should've known, or at least checked or asked!"

I felt tears building up in my eyes, and I blinked rapidly, trying to push them down, but they spilled out.

Ron wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I leant into him.

Sobs wracked my body, and I struggled to take air in as tears streamed down my face.

Ron didn't say anything, he rubbed my arm gently as I tried to stop crying.

A soft grunt, sounded from beside me, causing me to break away from Ron.

"Was that you?" He asked, and I shook my head.

Another grunt, louder this time.

My heart stopped, as I looked over at Draco.

He was moving, slowly, but still moving.

He let out a soft groan, and his fingers twitched as his eyelids fluttered.

I clutched tightly onto Rons arm.

"Draco!?" I said, my voice sounding foreign and distant.

And suddenly, his eyes opened.

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