Did I Found My Player 2?

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The next day, while we were having our lunch, we kept discussing about the prom "What are we gonna do?" Amy got worried "Guys, let's not give up." Mary said and still as optimistic as ever "Yeah Amy, we only have a few months to find our dresses!" I said trying to cheer up Amy.

"Don't forget our dates!" Amy panicked more "Speaking of dates, Abby have you figured out who to ask?" Mary reminded me "Like I said, I'm not interested with any guys." I answered "Well you got to find somebody!" Amy said and immediately forgotten about her problems.

"Hey wait a minute, how come Mary isn't worried about finding a date?" I realized, after all this time, Mary has never mentioned who she wanted to bring for the prom "If you guys are wondering if I'm interested with someone, I am." Mary said, and everything surrounding us was silence.

"Well who is it?" Amy anxiously asks, Mary paused "It's..." as we were waiting for an answer I had to go to the bathroom! "Uh, guys?" I called out their attention "Yes?" Amy replied "I have to go to the restroom, so please hold your words and I'll be right back!" I said as I quickly ran.

While I was on my way there, I bumped into somebody I haven't seen before "Oh sorry!" The person I bumped to said "No, I'm sorry." I apologized, and it turns out that the person I bumped into was a boy. For a moment it was only silence surrounding us and as we were looking into each other's eyes, we both immediately said...

"Ew! Cheesy!" We both ran in different directions and I finally went to the restroom, when I came back to my friends they have already went back to their classrooms.

After school was over, me and my friends went to our old hang out spot, which was the park "So Abby, what happened to you at the restroom?" Mary asked "Oh yeah, you took way long in the bathroom." Amy remembered "Sorry, I bumped into a boy on the way there." I answered and it went dead quiet.

"A... boy?" That was the only thing that Amy was shocked about, including... "Oh my gosh! Who is it?!" Mary joyfully said "It's-" I paused and realized that I didn't know who he was or what his name is.

"You didn't ask his name!?" Amy shouted "It's not like I would ever meet him again." I answered and also realized that there was something different about Amy today "Hey Amy, why aren't you wearing your glasses?" I asked.

"Oh right, I lost my glasses... " Amy answered "So does that mean you left it in school?" Mary asked "Yeah, and luckily I got my emergency contact lenses in my locker." Amy showed off how much of a nerd she is.

Before we decided to go home, Mark Yates (Amy's crush) came by with his friends "Oh hey guys! What a weird coincidence, I was about to go to Amy's house." Mark delightfully says "M-my.. h-house?.." Amy shook nervously but tries not to embarrass herself in front of Mark.

"Yeah, you left your glasses at the canteen." Mark pulled out Amy's glasses and handed out to her, before Amy grabbed her glasses I pushed back Mark "You stole my best friend's glasses?!" I shouted at Mark.

"Abby, he just mentioned-" I stopped Amy from talking "Don't worry Amy! I will use the power of videogames to catch this thief!" I said confidently while Amy covers her face with embarrassment.
I ready my ultimate power and shouted out "Fus Ro Dah!" and after a few seconds, somebody appeared and it turns out, it was the same guy I bumped into!

"Wait, YOU KNOW THAT VIDEOGAME?!" The guy shouted "Uh, YEAH!" I replied and we immediately talked about videogames and forgot about our situation "By the way, who are you?" I asked "Oh right, the name's Jack, Jack Colin! I believe we already met before." He shook my hand "Well nice to meet you Jack! My name's Abigail Quinn, but you can call me Abby!" I introduced myself.

Me and Jack both walked each other home while talking about videogames, meanwhile Mark gave back Amy's glasses "Th-thanks.. sorry about..." before Amy finished her sentence, Mark giggled "It's okay, you seem like a pretty cool friend. We should hang out some time." Mark said with a smile on his face.

"Y-yeah! S-sure, I l-love to!"Amy blushed and Mark had to go home, Amy and Mary separated ways and got home after that. So wait, did I just found my player 2?


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