Road Trip Time!

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It was finally Saturday today and it was the day where I play videogames as much as I want, but sadly I had to go on a road trip with my friends.

I waited at the bus stop with Mary while we waited for the others "Fun fact, never bring an indoor person outdoors!" I grumbled "Oh come on, have a little fun." Mary motivated "What's so fun about going to Amy's private beach house?" I asked.

"Because we got a chance to be just us hanging out!" Mary cheered "Hey guys!" Amy and the others shouted, meanwhile Jack was moping "Depressed?" I asked Jack "Yep." Jack answered.

After the bus finally arrived, we got to Amy's private beach house "Woah! Amy, this beach house is amazing!" Mark was amazed "Y-yeah.. my grandparents decided that since they didn't need this house, they decided to give it to my parents and of course I asked them permission to use this." Amy explained.

"Alright everyone! It's time to explore!" Mary announces "And we need to form partners!" Amy said "I will partner up with Bob, Amy will partner up with Mark, and Abby will get to partner up with Jack!" Mary declared "Where do we get to go?" Mark asked "Anywhere!" Mary answered.

Meanwhile In Bob And Mary's Perspective

"Come on Bob! Let's go!" Mary grabbed Bob's arm and head out "Where are we going?" Bob asked "We're going to buy snacks and barbeque for tonight!" Mary answered.

Bob and Mary went to the convenience store, bought some snacks for the gang and head out again "Hey Bob, you know I never really know anything about you." Mary said "Wh-what do you mean?" Bob asked.

"I don't even know your last name." Mary giggled softly "O-oh! M-my name is Bob Durrel..." Bob blushed since he realized that after all that time spending with Mary, she doesn't know anything about him "Well you're a nice guy, Bob!" Mary smiled "I think you're a nice girl too.." Bob smiled back.

"Oh! Before we go home, how about we buy ice cream together so we could get to know one another." Mary suggested "O-oh! S-sure." Bob agreed and they both went on to buy themselves an ice cream.

Meanwhile In Mark And Amy's Perspective

Mark and Amy went out and enjoy whatever the outdoors takes them "H-hey, I know that it must be boring to hang around with me.." Amy said with a sad look on her face, and regretted what she had said "S-sorry! I didn't mean to be so depressing.." Amy got embarrassed and hid her face.

"Here." Mark picked her a flower and put it on the side of her head "S-sorry.." Amy apologized "You're not boring, and you don't need to apologize." Mark and Amy looked into each others eyes as they both held hands.

"You're amazing, just the way you are." Mark said, as they both got closer to each other, they realized that they should be getting back to the beach house by now.

"O-oh! I-it's getting late!" Amy blushed "Y-yeah! Right!" Mark said as they both stepped away from each other "W-we should probably get going!" Amy stuttered "Y-yep!" Mark agreed and they both ran to the beach house.

Back To Abby's Perspective

As me and Jack layed down on the floor together while doing nothing but waited for our friends to come back, we talked about the usual stuff "Okay, never have I ever watched a walkthrough whenever I have a hard time trying to pass a level." Jack said.

"Nope!" I answered "Okay, your turn." Jack said "Never have I-" before I finished, our friends finally got back and we got up from the floor "Hey guys!" Mary said.

"Hey dudes, why so red?" Jack asked the guys "Uh.." was the only word they answered "What about you guys?" I asked the girls "Uh.." Amy answered "I had a great time!" Mary answered.

"Alright! Let's start making barbeque!" Mary cheered with excitement "Yeah!" We all said and went out the back to cook and grill.

After a few hours of eating, it was already 10pm and everyone went to their rooms, except for me and Jack, we were both still outside "Hey Jack!" I sat down next to Jack.

"Hey Abby." Jack said "Finally we get to go home tomorrow!" I sighed in relief "Yeah, I finally get to play my videogames." Jack cheered "But I guess being outside isn't that bad." I realized.

"Yeah, this view reminds me of an ending in a videogame I played a while back." Jack said "What was it called?" I asked "I don't remember the title, but I do remember that my favorite character was a skeleton who loves to joke and make puns, and he breaks the forth wall!" Jack answered.

"Oh yeah! I think I know what videogame it is!" We both kept talking about videogames and we never get tired of it.

It was already 12:00 midnight, and we were still outside, we looked up at the stars and watched the beautiful landscape in the distance. We couldn't get enough of talking, we didn't noticed that our hands touched but when we did, we looked into each others eyes.

As our faces got closer and closer to each other, we both wanted to say something to each other and we both said "Ew! Cheesy!" We stepped away from each other and laughed.

"Doesn't that bring good memories?" Jack asked "Yeah, reminds me of the time when I first met you." I answered "Ah, good times." And those were the last words I heard from him that night. We got up, went to our rooms and slept.

After the next morning, we all got into the bus and went home, so it was only just me and the girls walking to the park "So how was your day yesterday guys?" Mary asked "It was okay." I answered "I had a good time.." Amy blushed.

"Well how was your day with the boys?" Mary asked "Videogames!" That was what I responded "Mark and I made a lot of progress.." Amy answered and later on we separated ways, and went home.

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