A Christmas Miracle?

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It was finally Christmas Eve and the class was finally over! "I can't wait to go home and play videogames! Goodbye school and hello to videogames!" I cheered.

"Hey wait a minute Abby, aren't you coming to my house to have a Christmas Party?" Mary reminded me "But parties are so lame! You get to party with people you barely know!" I complain.

"But Abby, I thought you love Christmas?" Amy asked "Yeah, if it involves with free food and videogames." I explained "Well don't worry, it'll only be just us and the guys." Mary said "W-wait, does that mean?.." Amy shaked "Jack, Bob and Mark are coming to the party if that's what you're wondering."

After Mary told Amy that Mark was coming to the party, Amy shaked uncontrollably "Aww, Amy's excited that the blue hedgehog is coming." I grinned "Blue hedgehog?" Mary asked.

"It's a code name for your boyfriend." I whispered to Amy "N-never mind that, let's just go and get ready for the party." Amy reminded "Oh right, we should meet up with the guys and tell them about our plans for the party!" Mary jumped with joy "Oh man, do I have to go there?" I complained "There's cake." Amy said "Wait.. cake you say?" I was convinced so I decided to go to the party anyway.

As we were walking to the park, we meet up with the guys and planned for our party "Okay, it's decided! Bob and I will plan for the games, Amy and Mark will get the food, and finally Abby and Jack will do the decorations!" Mary declared and we all agreed.

We all got separated and did what we're supposed to do. After a few hours, we were all finished with the decorations, we were done eating the food, we exchanged gifts and now it's time for the worst part of all... the games.

"Hey Amy, where's the cake?" I whispered to Amy "Cake? There's no cake, we only said that because we know that you wouldn't come if we didn't say there wasn't cake." Amy whispered back "So... the cake was a lie?" I wept.

After a few more hours of playing games, we had one more game we have to play and that was... Truth or Dare. "Alright everyone! Gather around in a circle!" Amy said as we all sat in a circle "Alright who gets to go first?" Mark asked.

"Me first!" Jack participated "Bob, truth or dare?" Jack picked Bob "Um... truth!" Bob said "Hm.. is there anything you want to say to Mary?" Jack asked with a weird grin on his face "Dude!" Bob punched Jack in the arm harshly "What do you want to say to me Bob?" Mary asked.

"Um... i-it was great planning the games with you.." Bob blushed "It was fun hanging out with you too!" Mary said with a smile on her face "Okay! Who's next?" Mark asks everyone "Oh, me!" Amy participated.

"Abby, truth or dare?" Amy asked me "Ha! Dare! No way I'm going to the same path as Bob!" I thought cleverly "I dare you... to kiss Jack!" As soon as Amy told me my dare, everyone except Jack cheered.

"Wh-what? Amy! You know I don't like that kind of stuff!" I accused "That's the point." Amy said "F-fine.. but this doesn't mean anything okay!?" I looked at Jack and Jack was looking at me.

Jack approached me with our faces only inches apart, we were obviously nervous. We both got closer and closer and before we were able to kiss... "Abigail Quinn! What do you think you're doing?!" my dad came in the room "P-pops! I-it was only a dare! Nothing special!" I tried explaining it to him "Y-yeah! I-it's true, Mr. Quinn!" Jack followed.

"That's it missy! We're going home right now!" Pops grabbed my arm and walked out the door and we went home, luckily that dare didn't ground me and I was lucky enough that my dad was there to stop me from kissing Jack! I guess you could call it...

A Christmas Miracle?

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