How He Met My Mother

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It was Saturday and the prom was until next week, I sighed there laying on my bed and thought about what to do on a fine Saturday. And then my dad came in the room "Hey Abby, why so gloomy?" Pops asked and tries cheering me up.

"For the first time in my life, I have no idea what to do on a Saturday." I sighed and still lay on my bed "Want to know the story of how I met your mother and asked her to prom?" Pops asked with a weird smile on his face "Sure, I'll basically do anything to fade away the boredom." I got up and sat down on the bed.


It all started from my first day of high school, I was your typical and average nerd and your mother was the most beautiful and popular girl in school. Of course I fell in love with her and I would do anything to get her attention, but of course... there was competition..

Since she was the most beautiful and popular girl in school, all the boys had fallen for her, including my worst enemy... Alex the football jock. Alex had always been around with your mother and never lets anyone take her away from him, but that was until...

We layed eyes on each other. It happened when I was carrying a lot of books in my arms so I struggle on carrying them to the Council's Office because that's how much of a teacher's pet I was back then. When Alex pushed me while I was carrying the books, a girl comes up to me and puts out her hand.

"I'm so sorry." And the girl who tried to help me out, was your mother "I-it's fine, that happens all the time." I try picking up all the books and she helped me "Hi, my name is Amber." Amber greeted "N-nice to meet you Amber... I'm Hal." I blushed since the girl who helped me was the most popular girl in school.

"Hey Hal, I'm sorry about my friend Alex. I swear when you hang out with him, he could be really nice." Amber apologized more "It's okay, it happens all the time." I laughed and pretended that everything was fine.

"Well I gotta go, I can't leave my friends hanging." Amber waved goodbye and went on with her friends that only treated her nicely being she was popular. When I got home, I saw Amber talking to my parents about something.

"Hey mom, what's going on?" I asked "Me and your mother decided to let you take over the business!" Dad cheered me on while mom puts out a cake that said Congrats! "R-really? You t-think I'm ready?" I shook "Yeah!" Mom answered "But why is Amber here?" I started questioning "She's here to help you out with the business." My mom explained.

"Looks like I'm your first employee." Amber saluted to me "B-but.. why would you work for m-me?" I shook "Because you need all the help you can get, after all we're both best buds right?" Amber winked at me "B-best... buds?" I past out at the floor "Hal!" Amber tries comforting me.

After a few months of working together, me and Amber were always so close to each other, so close that we didn't want to separate each other. When we both went to school together one day, everyone at school started staring at us and we didn't know why.

We saw Alex walking in the halls and when he noticed us walking together, he came up to us "Hey Amber, what are you doing with a nerd?" Alex laughed "He's my best friend!" Amber grabbed my arm "So Amber, I heard that there will be a prom next week and I was wondering if you want to go with me?" Alex handed her a rose.

Everyone roaming around the halls watched Alex asking Amber to go to prom with her "Sorry Alex, but I was thinking of asking somebody else." Amber apologized "What do you mean?" Alex froze "I mean I like you Alex, but only as a friend.. I'm sorry." Amber rejected the offer.

"Ooh! Alex just got friend zoned!" Everyone around us said "Hal, I know that we only know each other for a few months now but... will you go to prom with me?" Amber looked at me in the eyes and I couldn't believe that the person I liked, was the most beautiful and most popular girl in school, which is my one true love is actually asking me to prom.

"S-sure.." I nodded and everyone around us cheered on, and Alex walked away from both of us without a single word from him. One week later, me and Amber arrived at prom night and we were having the time of our lives that night.

We ate a lot of food there, danced our butts off in front of a lot of people, and basically do any typical prom stuff you could think of.

When it was time to vote for prom king and queen, Amber didn't wished or hoped to be prom queen and she wasn't like any popular girl you see in movies. The winners were announced and it was surprisingly us that won.

"Did we literally got announced as prom king and queen even if we embarrassed ourselves in front of all these people?" I laughed "Meh." Amber didn't question about it.

When we both got on stage and got our crowns on, Amber gets my attention "You see that girl sitting alone in that table right there?" She points at the girl who looks like she didn't have friends or a date by her side "Yeah, so?" I asked.

"If only she had won my crown, not me.." She sighed, I took Amber's crown off and ran to the girl that Amber was pointing at earlier "Here." I handed her the crown "B-but... w-why me?" She asked "Because Amber thinks you're the most beautiful girl in this room and she thinks you deserve this more than she does." I said "Th-thank you.. " She gave me a warm smile, I put the crown on her and Amber shouted out to everyone "She is your new prom queen!"

Everyone cheered her, Amber approached me and said "You have one heart of gold, Hal Quinn." She gives me a thumbs up "Oh! I got to show you something!" She grabs my hand and drags me all the way up to the rooftop.

She sits down on the ledge and she asked me to sit next to her, and so I did. I looked at the beautiful view in front of us and realized why she had bring me here "Hey Amber, can I ask you a question?" I asked "You're already asking me a question, but sure!" She nodded.

"Why me?" I asked her "Be specific about your question." She giggled "Why did you help me pick up my books when Alex pushed me? Why did you decide to work for me since there are more available jobs out there? Why did you call me as your best bud even though we hardly know each other? Why did you reject Alex's offer to go to prom with you? What do you really think of me as!?" I asked all those questions to her and she started laughing maniacally.

"Wh.. what's so funny?" I questioned "Why are you asking me questions that have already made sense?" She wiped her tears after laughing so hard "What do you mean?" I tilted my head with confusion "Do you really not know the answer to all those questions?" She pats my head "If I do, then I wouldn't have asked you." I rolled my eyes.

"First of, I helped you because you kept carrying those darn books everyday. Secondly, because you're so fun to work with and I get to work for the person I know. Thirdly, I just hate to see you sitting alone at your desk and read a lot of books when you have nothing to do. Fourthly, because I realized that Alex was a jerk and that he only likes me for my looks." She explained.

"What about my last question?" I asked "Lastly... I think of you as... the love of my life.." She smiled gently at me "Wh.. why me?" I questioned "Because you're the most kindest, most loyal, and most trustworthy friend that I have ever met." She gave me a warm smile.

I hugged her and said "Do you promise you will always be by my side?" I asked "Yes." I agreed "Promise that we will die together?" I asked again "Of course.." She nodded then she made a move and kisses me.

The End

I grinned at my dad "What?" He asked "You. Love. Her!" We both laughed "Hey wait a minute, it was her that made a move on you first!" I realized "Sorry, I just wanted to act cool." He chuckled "I guess mom broke one of your promises.." I sighed "Yeah, but I didn't regret being with her." Pops smiled "So, what happened to Alex?" I asked "He and I became friends when we grew up." He answered.

"Where is he now?" I asked "With your best friend." Pops points outside my window, I got up and only saw Mary and her dad playing at their backyard "Alex... is my best friend's father!?" I freaked out "Yeah, who knew that a bully will turn out to be your friend in the future?" He pats my back.

"Did you know that the girl I gave the crown to was her mom?" Pops said "Really?" I looked outside and saw Mary's mom handing them a tray of cookies "Wow.." I was amazed and it turned out to be the best Saturday I've ever spend with my dad.

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