It Did NOT Go As Planned

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The next day, me and Jack decided to hang out with each other after school and we had our usual conversations "Did you hear they're making a second game?" Jack asked. "Uh yeah! What was the name of that game?" I forgotten.

"Ok, it's about a guy riding on his horse to find and defeat these colossal giants and the ending was such a plot twist!" Jack explained "Oh, you mean the one that the character we played was just a pawn all along and the character became a baby and the girl he was trying to save didn't know that was him?"

"Yes!" Jack nodded "So where do you want to go?" I asked "Well let's grab a bite to eat because I'm starving!" Jack said "Well maybe we should go to a restaurant." I suggested "Why there?" Jack asked "It's been a while since I've been in a restaurant." I answered and try not to be suspicious.

"Well let's go!" Jack cheered and we were off to a restaurant where there's spaghetti involved "This place seems a bit weird for us to be in, don't you think?" Jack asks as he was looking around.

We both sat down and waited for the waiter to come by us, then later on the waiter arrived and asked us for our orders "Let's try the spaghetti together!" Jack suggested "Sure!" I agreed.

We both decided to share one plate of spaghetti since we didn't bring enough money to get for each of us and I guess we didn't thought this through when we wanted to go to a restaurant together, we got our spaghetti and started eating.

While I was eating a noodle, Jack was eating at the end of my noodle and when I realized it, me and Jack's face were close to each other and we immediately let go of the noodle that we were eating.

"U-uh.." I sat there awkwardly "Hey, you got something in your face." Jack grabbed a napkin and wiped spaghetti sauce off my face, Jack stopped and we both started looking at each other "Y-you.." Jack stuttered.

And we started leaning over to each other and before we got even more closer, the waiter asked us for our paycheck "O-oh! R-right!" I said and we both stepped away from each other.

We both paid equally and we both got out of the restaurant awkwardly, we both looked at each other and said "I'm sorry!" We both apologized "Wait, for what?" We both asked "It's because I planned this." We both said "Wait, you planned this?!" We were both shocked.

"Yeah.. the truth is I planned that the both of us should go to a romantic restaurant..." I confessed "The truth is I planned to let us share a plate of spaghetti to be able to set the mood up.." Jack confessed "But why would you do that?" We both asked to each other.

"Because I want to ask you out to the prom!" We both said and laughed at each other after saying that "You don't have to do that, you could have just ask and I would have agreed to it." Jack said "Same goes for you! I don't need no romance for me to go out with you." We laughed and walked each other home.

The next day, I went to the canteen to meet up with the girls "Hey, how was the date?" Amy asked with a weird grin on her face "First of, it wasn't a date, second, it did not go as planned." I said.

"Well what did he say?" Mary asked "It turns out we both planned to ask each other to go to prom." I explained "Ask each other to go to the prom together?!" Amy freaked "Yeah." I answered "What a weird coincidence." Mary said.

"Yeah.. what a weird coincidence." I suspected Mary "Why are you looking at me funny, Abby?" Mary sweats nervously "Mary, did you plan all this?" I crossed my arms "Okay fine, yes." Mary admitted "But why!?" I panicked.

"Calm down, at least you finally got a date with someone." Amy said "Yeah, I guess I do." I sighed and I continued eating my lunch.

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