Our Friendly Bet

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Christmas was over and we went back to school, me and Jack walked down the hallway and talked about videogames until we bumped into the girls.

"Hey! Anything new?" Amy asked "There's this new videogame that's coming out today at 1pm!" I bounced with joy "And we'll be the first ones to buy it!" Jack said with excitement "1pm? Don't we go out of school at 2pm?" Mary reminded us.

"2pm?!" I panicked "But the videogame would be sold out at 2pm!" Jack panicked too "Maybe it'll still be there by the time we're out." Amy tries calming us down "With a game so popular, I doubt that it'll still be there by 2pm." I doubted.

"We'll never be able to get it!" Jack wept "What if you try to ditch school?" Mary suggested "That's it! We could ditch school!" Jack thought.
"Yeah!" I agreed "And I will be the first one there!" We both said and immediately looked at each other "You would be the first one there?" Jack accused me "As if you would beat me there." I scoffed.

"Wanna bet?" Jack grinned "Okay, first one to buy the game wins." We both spit on our hands and shake on it and we both went back to our classes.

While our PE teacher was teaching the class, I raised my hand so I can get my teacher to notice "Is there something you like to say Abigail?" My teacher asked "Yeah.." I faked coughed "What's the matter?" My teacher got concerned just as I planned it.

"I think I'm feeling sick today..." I put on my puppy eyes "Oh you poor thing." My teacher smacked the back of my head "Nice try Abigail, I know you too well." My teacher said as she continued teaching the class.

I took a look at Jack, and he was grinning at me "Oh yeah? You think you can do better than that?" I whispered to Jack, Jack raised his hand to get the teacher to notice him.

"Yes, Jack?" The teacher noticed "Sorry to bother you, but I think I have this weird feeling in my stomach..." Jack covered his stomach to pretend that he has a stomach ache.

"Oh dear.." The teacher pat Jack's head and after a while, the teacher pulled Jack's ear "Ouch!" As soon as the teacher let go of Jack's ear, he rubbed it since it hurted him.

"Nice try, but I think the two of you should learn how to act properly." The teacher continued teaching the class. When it was finally recess, I meet up with the girls "Still trying to figure out a way to ditch school?" Amy asked "Yeah." I replied "I think this is a bad idea." Amy tries convincing me "Well it's not like you can ask help from someone." Mary gave me an idea.

"I know what I gotta do!" I said "You gotta do what?" Amy asked "Like Parappa always says I gotta believe!" I answered. I went out the canteen, pulled out my phone, and started calling someone.

"Hello?" Pops answered the phone "Hey Pops, do you think you can pick me up from school?" I asked "Why? Are you sick or something?" Pops wondered "No, it's just that there's this new videogame coming out and I really need to get it before it gets sold out!" I explained.

"As a father I shouldn't let you ditch school whenever you want to." Pops said "Come on Pops, just this once please?" I begged "Fine, just this once." Pops hung up the phone and I went back to class and started waiting for him.

"Hello is Abigail here?" My dad came in the room and asked my math teacher "Who are you?" Ms. Applegates asked "I'm Abigail's father, and I'm here to pick her up." Pops answered "What's wrong?" Ms. Applegates got concerned.

"Uh, she called me and said that she was sick today." Pops lied and my teacher bought it "Abigail, you should have told me that you were sick." My teacher said "Well I was afraid that you wouldn't believe me." Me and my dad immediately went out.

"Come on dad! We got to hurry!" I shouted as I got in the car "What's the rush?" Pops asked "There's this guy that I betted with and whoever buys the videogame first wins." I explained "Who's this person you're trying to beat?" Pops questioned.

"Jack." I answered "The boy you kissed?!" Pops freaked "First of, we didn't kiss and secondly, it was only a dare!" We continued to drive there, but that was until traffic stopped us... "Ha! Got stuck in traffic?" Jack teased "How the heck did you get out?" I questioned.

"Jack Collin always has his ways." Jack continued running to the video game store "Pops, I gotta go." I went out the car and ran as fast as I could "Hey Jack!" I called out "What?" He looked back at me "How do you like this!?" I throw a rock at him "What the? Why is it blue?" He wondered "It's supposed to be a blue shell, dummy!" We both continued running.

As soon as we got there, Jack and I raced to the door and asked the cashier for the videogame we wanted "You know that videogame doesn't come out until next month right?" The cashier told us.

We went out the store with disappointed looks on our faces "So I guess we did all that for nothing." Jack said "Yeah, but it was fun trying to race each other right?" I told him "Yeah, I guess it was."

We looked into each other's eyes and as we almost got closer to each other "NO KISSING!" Pops stopped us "Pops, we weren't gonna kiss!" I said "Good, do you kids want a ride home?" Pops asked.

"Wanna play videogames?" I asked Jack "Yep." Jack quickly answered and we went home to play videogames all day until the end of the day.

Can you believe we did that? And it was all because of some friendly bet.

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