When Do I Meet Him?

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It was finally lunch time in school, and so far I've seen a lot of students preparing the decorations for the prom, I continued to walk to the canteen and meet up with my friends.

"Can you believe how many people are excited to go to the prom?" I said "Well of course, it is a big deal." Amy told "So have you guys let your parents know about your date?" Mary asked.

"Yeah, my mom and dad have been supportive ever since I told them about Mark." Amy answered "Wait, are we supposed to?" I questioned "Well of course! How would your dad react if you go out with the boy who almost kissed you on Christmas?" Mary convinced me.

I froze "Mary! Don't freak Abby like that!" Amy comforted me "Well it's true ain't it?" Mary crossed her arms "You're right!" I said "Because I, the great Abby! Never fears my dad! Nyeh heh heh!" I finished my lunch and went to class "Okay, Papyrus." Mary giggled.

After school, I went home and thought about what to say to my dad "Hey, Pops!" I shouted out "Oh hey, Abby." Pops greeted "There's something I want us to talk about.." I said and we both went to the living room and sat down on the couch.

"What is it? Did you sleep in class again?" Pops asked "No!" I answered "Well, I mean yeah. But that's not the point!" I admitted "Well what is it?" He questioned "Well.. there's this prom I need to go to.." and before I continued, Pops started to babble.

"The prom!? That is where your mother and I first kissed!" Pops said "Dad.. you know I don't like it when you talk about kissing." I hid my face with embarrassment while Pops babbled some more "Your mother was such a dancer! She and I blah blah blah." And that was when I couldn't take it anymore.

"POPS! LISTEN TO ME!" Pops stopped and sighed "Sorry, it's just when you mentioned the prom, I remembered that time where me and your mother was in love that time.." Pops looked down and started crying a bit.

"Sorry Pops, I was trying to say something but you kept babbling about... mom.." I hugged Pops "You know.. whenever I look at you... you always remind me of your mother.." Pops pets my head "Because I look like her?" I chuckled.

"Yes, and you act like her.." Pops stopped hugging me and wiped the tears off his face "So about the prom?" He asked "U-um.." I blushed "T-there's this guy.." I stuttered.

My dad gasped "Someone asked you to the prom?!" He was bouncing with joy "Actually, we both asked out each other." I said "That's so adorable!" He cries tears of joy "Are you crying?" I laughed.

"No, this is liquid pride!" Pops said and we hugged each other once again, to be honest it actually went pretty well until… "So when do I meet him?" Pops asked "W-wait, what?" I stopped hugging "I can't just let you go out with some guy I don't know about." Pops said.

"U-uh.." I froze and don't know what to say "Can I meet him here tomorrow after school?" Pops asked "S-sure!" I shook "I can't wait to meet him!" Pops bounced.

"Please don't say something cheesy." I said "You mean like, my little Abby is growing up?" He hugged me and I try pushing him away but couldn't.

"Pops, why do you have to be such an embarrassment even if it's just me around?" I facepalmed "You know parents." He laughed, after that I went upstairs and video chat with Jack.

"Hey Jack." I said "Oh hey, what's up?" He greeted "Do you have any plans for tomorrow after school?" I asked "Nope, just the usual." He answered "Good, there's something I need you to do." I explained to him.

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