Part 1: The Sunset (Tweek's POV)

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The last day of summer is always a sad time. Just thinking about the beginning of a new year is a lot of pressure. I m-mean, new classes, new kids, new faces...aaah! So much pressure! And this is my senior year! J-jeez, I don't feel ready for this. I was sitting at the lake, mulling it over and making myself nervous, when my sweetheart showed up. "Hey Tweek. What are you doing here all by yourself?" He asked, sitting next to me on the log. He pecked me on the cheek and smiled. My anxiety laid off a bit. Craig always made me feel less anxious. "I was just thinking about t-this school year. We're seniors! AAH!" I said, twitching a bit. Ugh! I hate when I do that. It's so unattractive. Craig smiled. "Dude, chill out. We're going to Uni together, right?" I nodded. "And we're gonna have all the same classes together, right?" He asked. I smiled a bit. "It's gonna be fine. You've been drinking the Red Bull again, haven't you?" He asked. "U-u-uhhh...nnnno?" I replied. Craig sighed. "You know that stuff makes you crazy, dude. I told you to lay off of it." I groaned. "But it's so good! It lessens the pressure!" Craig pouted. "I thought I was your stress reliever..." I instantly felt awful! I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed as tightly as I could. "J-jeez, Craig, don't say that! You're definitely my stress reliever! Stop b-being mean!" I cried. Craig started gasping for air. "Ok...but I can't...breathe...GASP!!" He wheezed. I let him go. Then, suddenly, he burst out laughing. I couldn't help but laugh along. He slugged me in the shoulder. "OW!" I yelped. He laughed even harder and I just had to laugh along.

The sun began setting on the horizon of the lake, and the crystal blue water changed to a beautiful palette of reds, pinks, and purples. The water glittered as the last bits of sunlight disappeared below the horizon. "Isn't it beautiful, Tweek?" I could only nod, as I was mesmerized by the gorgeous setting. Craig suddenly stood up. "Well, I guess it's about time we got home." I tiredly stood up and held Craig's hand. He smiled at me, and we started towards home.

We were in town, taking the shortest route home, and everyone was closing up for the night. But, despite the mostly empty streets, I couldn't help but feel as if someone was watching me. I glanced at Craig, but it seemed as his he hadn't noticed it. I decided to write it off as the Red Bull not agreeing with my system. But by the time we were in the neighborhood, the feeling was strong, like a pair of lasers boring into my skin. I stopped dead in my tracks, shaking. Craig looked concerned. "Is everything ok, Tweek?" He asked. I started sweating a bit. "Craig, you ever get the feeling that someone's watching you?" I asked. Craig's eyes widened. "So it wasn't just me..." Ok, NOW I was starting to panic. "Craig, what the hell do we do?" I asked in a high voice. He shushed me, and pointed at a bush to our left. It rustled, and Craig creeped toward it. "Craig, no! Don't!" I whisper-shouted. Craig creeped closer and closer, and lunged towards the bush to find..


We both breathed a sigh of relief. As we started down the street again, the anxiety was lifted. We didn't feel anything for the rest of the night. I greeted my parents upon entry of my home, and walked upstairs. Exhausted, I threw myself onto my bed, and fell asleep in seconds.

That night, I had the strangest dream. I was strapped to a chair, in a dark, dark room, so dark that it felt as if I was drowning. A voice, a vaguely familiar voice, started whispering. It seemed to be coming from all around me. "Sleep now, my friend...sleep well, little faggot...drown in your own blood...fall victim to your shortcomings..." the voice whispered to me in all directions. It was so familiar, but I just couldn't place it. Suddenly, there was a sharp, slicing noise, and pain stabbed my left leg. I awoke with a start, only to find nothing. My leg was bleeding, though. I must've scratched it in my sleep. My eyes twitched. What a terrifying nightmare!

There was no way I was gonna sleep the rest of the night.

(Art by Cosmo on the South Park amino)

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