Part 15: Kenny's One and Only (Kenny's POV)

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Butters was dead.

I never thought it would happen, honestly. I thought Cartman would keep the poor guy alive for a little longer. I could tell the truth. I could try and tell everyone that Cartman pushed him to suicide. But who's gonna believe me? Especially after he forced that other kid to come forward. Apparently, he sent death threats to the kid and killed his cousin so he would confess. Cartman even planted fake evidence.

I just can't do this anymore. I wanted to go to Tweek's favorite underground bar again to drown my sorrows in cheap vodka. But what would it matter, anyway? I'd still remember the pain in the morning. I can't die from an overdose. I don't want to see the light of day. I don't want to be alive. But I have no choice, do I? As I'm thinking this over in my bedroom, I hear the door slam shut. It's late, so of course Karen had to work overtime. She drops her stuff on the floor and flops onto the couch, exhausted. She pulls out a joint and lights it, hoping to forget the pain of working day after day with no downtime. If there's one person who I know I can completely trust, it's her. I leave my room and grab a beer, sitting down on the floor. I turn on the TV to Nascar, and I sip down the cheap stuff. She smiles at me. "How was school today, Kenny?" She asks. I just shrug. She sighs. "I heard about what happened to your friend Butters. I'm sorry about that." She says. I just shrug again. "It's pretty awful." I say, not really listening to myself. I chug down the rest of the beer and sit in silence for a moment. Karen looks over at me. Her eyes are bloodshot and glazed over. "Kenny, I'm scared." She says. I nod in return. "Me too, Karen. Me too."

The next day at school is a quiet one. It's been very quiet since Butters's death. It's like time simply stands still. We've had multiple mental health seminars and guest speakers since he died. Kyle and Stan have seemed to become even more depressed. On Kenny's desk, there's a flowerpot with white lilacs sitting inside and a picture of him. Someone scratched into the desk, "RIP Butters Stotch. 'The best friend a guy could ask for.'" It's nice to see the whole school coming together for a common cause. I just wish it was under better circumstances.

At Tweek's favorite bar, I'm sitting there, drinking heavily and wishing for liver faliure to take me out again. Then, I feel someone tapping on my shoulder. I lift my head and look up. My vision is blurred, but I can make out the outline of...Tammy? "Tammy?" I ask tiredly. The girl nods. "Yeah, it's me, Kenny. It's been a while, hasn't it?" I nod. "Ever since you started dating that guy from the north side, we haven't really talked." I said. She shakes her head. "Not anymore. I broke up with him. He found out about my financial status and...well, he wasn't happy." She said. I shook my head. "I knew that guy wasn't for you." She smiled. "I guess I should've listened to you. So, I just needed to ask you something." I took one last sip of my vodka and coughed. "What?" I asked. "Will you...give me another chance? I know we haven't been on the best of terms recently, but, I miss you, Kenny." She said. "I miss waking up with you next to me. I miss tasting your mouth when you're drunk. I miss seeing you at school, Kenny. Please, let's try this one last time." She begged. I shrugged. "Sure. Whatever." She grabbed me and held me close. I felt her soft, lovely skin against mine and smiled. "I missed you, Kenny." She said. I nodded. "I missed you too." Time seemed to stand still as we kissed passionately, getting closer and closed to one another. I had forgetten about how much I loved being with Tammy. For the longest time, she had been the one light in my life, along with my friends. If there was a reason to try and stay alive, it was her. She walked my drunk ass home, and we simply lied down and fell asleep on the couch together. There was no need for words, or reason. It was just us, together. And I never wanted the moment to end.

In the morning, I saw a note from Tammy stuck to my forehead. "Went home. See you later :)" it read. I smiled. It was nice to know that she was still here for me.

But, all good things eventually come to an end.

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