Special Chapter: Justice and Cartman..? (Kenny's POV)

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As I lie in the deep snow, unconscious, my mind races back to fifth grade, the year Justice joined our class. At the time she seemed like nothing special. Just another girl. Except for one thing, she was completely mute. Never said a word. Sometimes she had a translator with her who would tell us what she was thinking. The translator was, to quote Cartman, "a lesbo feminazi." She hated Cartman almost immediately, since he had made fun of the iPad she used to talk, saying it made Justice look like "a cyborg freak." Boy, did she ever go off onto him! 20 minutes of ranting. Cartman got a great laugh out of it, though. It seemed at that point, a spark went off in her eyes. Something changed, although at the time I didn't know what.

Turns out, Justice was just as cool as any boy, she loved video games and football like the rest of us. Although it was really weird having her hang around us, since she was, you know, a girl. The translator wanted her to make some female friends, but Justice seemed to resent the girls, especially Bebe, as she loved to gossip about her iPad. She ended up tailing Cartman quite a lot, though he never noticed. The rest of the guys did, though, and we discussed it while away from them. Certainly she heard the things the fatass said in class, right? How could such a nice, pure girl be attracted to a foul-mouthed bastard like that, anyway? We all kind of wrote it off as her just being a "weird girl," but that wasn't enough for me. I wanted to know more.

I started following her around, not in a creepy, stalker way though. Sort of like in a private investigator way. I think I found a reason why she loved Cartman so much. For one, she lived in a devout Catholic home, and the translator lived with them, so she was always under pressure to act proper and politically correct. The translator was especially harsh on her, it seemed that just about anything would set off a fight. She was also often forced into "pretty" dresses that she despised. I made the conclusion that seeing Cartman say basically whatever the fuck he wanted made her jealous, she wanted that sort of liberation as well. I told Kyle about my findings, and he kind of flipped his shit. He went off about how she was in "extreme danger" and stuff like that. So Kyle, Stan, and I decided to have a conversation with her about Cartman. We wanted to see her at her house, but the translator answered the door. She went on this sexist rant and blamed us for "the oppression against Justice's kind" and slammed the door on us. We all decided to talk to her about it at night.

I was the first to show up. I tossed rocks at her window to wake her up. She did open the window, and I asked her to come down. She made a frantic shushing motion, and I lowered my voice. Suddenly, a loud voice shrieked into the night. "JUSTICE! ARE THOSE BOYS BACK HERE TO HARASS YOU?!" Justice started climbing down as fast as she could, even forgetting to bring her iPad. She ran over to me and we started running, hearing loud, angry stomping noises racing after us. We didn't stop until we were three miles away from the house.

Sitting in the woods behind Craig's house, we caught our breath. She collapsed on the ground, looking frightened. I told her that we needed to find the other boys, but then she stood up and hugged me. Tightly. She was shaking a bit. I blushed profusely underneath my hoodie. "Is this for getting you out of there?" I asked. She nodded. Her silence somehow spoke to me. It was at this moment that I realized all my secret feelings about her were real. I did love her. And I cared for her way too much. I loved her more than I ever thought possible. And it was for that reason that I truly became scared of Cartman.

When we all finally did meet up, Kyle and Stan handed Justice a notebook and pencil to communicate with us. Then, Kyle told her everything about Cartman. Scott Tenorman's parents, Wendy's fight with him, his suspiciously gay relationship with Butters, his sadistic nature, everything. But during the whole thing, she didn't even blink. Just sort of an amazed look crossed her face. When Kyle finished, she just shrugged. "Wait...so you're telling me that you still like him, even after all we told you?" She nodded, and began writing on the paper. In case you haven't noticed, his carefree nature is liberating to me, she wrote. Kyle seemed shocked. "Carefree? CAREFREE?! He hurts people for fun! He's a racist, bigoted, evil bastard who will stop at nothing to get what he wants!" He screamed. Stan looked at him a bit weird. "He's got a point, dude. Cartman is not someone you wanna associate with. Trust me." He said. Justice seemed to get a little angry, and began writing again. You just don't understand why I like him. I'd watch my tounge if I were you. It seems like he's capable of hurting people really bad. She wrote. Kyle seemed offended. "Goddamnit, can't you see that we're trying to help you?! You just might end up being the one getting hurt!" Kyle said. "I don't want that to happen to anyone else." He said softly. She glared even harder, staring at us unblinkingly for 30 seconds. Careful Kyle, keep running your mouth like that and you might end up in someone's chilli, she wrote. Her lips were curled into a weird smile. That's when it occurred to me that she was the perfect match for Cartman. Not only was she completely capable of making death threats, but she seemed completely willing to just go with whatever Cartman did. It was quite obvious to me that all those years of overprotective parenting had turned her completely nuts. And that only made me want her more. Kyle groaned. "Threaten me all you want, new kid, but believe me, you're making a big mistake. Just don't come crying to me when you fall victim in one of his retarded schemes." Kyle said before heading off. Stan gave us both a weird look, and just followed. I looked at Justice lovingly. "Dude, want me to walk you home?" I asked. She nodded.

And so began Cartman and Justice's relationship. She confessed to him in sixth grade, kissed for the first time in seventh, got lucky with him in eleventh, and broke up in twelth. Nobody really knows why they broke up for sure, but rumors have flown around. As I start to regain consciousness, I remember the time I met her in town after she broke up with him. We had remained close even though Kyle hated her.

"Hey," I had said. She waved at me and gave me a kind smile. "It's over between you and Cartman, huh?" For now, I guess. She said through her iPad. I nodded. "I guess it was for the best." She smiled sadly. Kenny, I just want to thank you. She said. I looked at her, a bit confused. "What do you mean?" I asked. You stuck with me through all these years, you made sure I was never alone even if people ignored me. Thank you. I'll never forget you. She replied. Tears started to well up in her eyes. I was confused, but appreciated the jesture nonetheless. Then, she turned to me, and did something that I had dreamed of for years. She kissed me. It was only a small kiss on the head, but it was still all I ever wanted. Goodbye, Kenny. She said. For some reason, I was crying now, too. "Will I see you again?" I begged. But she simply left me.

I never did see her against after that. She went completely missing and her body was never found. My love was gone forever, disappeared from the face of the Earth. If this is what it meant to stay alive, then I just wanted to die again and stay dead. But I knew that was impossible, because I'd always come back.

I just wish she could, too.

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