Part 2: The Year Begins (Kyle's POV)

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As I approached the steps leading up to the school, I took a deep breath in. A whole new school year, and a fresh start. Every year was a chance to reinvent yourself, and I was especially excited to see everyone. Stan, Kenny, and I have been feeling much better about ourselves ever since we cut Cartman out of our lives. The atmosphere just felt much less...judgemental. Stan arrived a bit late, but I slapped him on the back when he arrived. "Stan! How are you doing?" I asked excitedly. He gave me a weird smile. "I'm just fine, and you guys?" He asked. We gave him a thumbs up in reply.

Standing in the lobby, we couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. "Well, I guess we're men now." Kenny said. "Yeah." Stan said. I guess we all felt nervous. I decided to lighten up the mood. "Hey guys, don't worry about it! We've got each other, and we're all going to South Park University! There's no need to be nervous." I consoled. The other guys nodded their agreement. Then, out of nowhere, like a raging tornado, we heard his voice.

"C'mon, Justice! Just gimme another chance, please!" Cartman begged a red haired girl. She turned away sadly, and just shook her head. Justice never spoke a word, but her actions spoke volumes. She started walking towards her class, leaving Cartman in the dust. "Well fine! I don't need a flat-chested whore like you anyway! I've got plenty of friends!" He screeched. He turned to us with a desperate look on his face. "Right Kyle, my bestest friend forever?" I gave him the evil eye, but didn't say anything. We had all taken a vow of silence around Cartman when we decided to cut him out of our lives a few years ago. Token saw the situation and stepped in. "Cartman, let it go. They aren't your friends anymore." He said. But of course Cartman had to retailiate with a "SHUT UP, YOU BLACK ASSHOLE!" Stan and Kenny already began walking away. It was almost kind of sad to see his social life deteriorating like that. But, then I remembered all the times he wronged me and endangered all kinds of innocent people. I glared at him, and turned away. But before I did, I swear I caught the smallest glimpse of an insane smile on his face.

The classes went by quickly, and before we knew it, it was time for lunch. Stan, Kyle, Craig, Tweek and I all sat at the same table, and shared tales of summer camps, summer jobs, and family trips. The table was filled with laughter, and cheer. Kenny told a really weird story of feeling that he was being stalked. Craig and Tweek had a story almost identical to that. "Yeah, it was really weird. One second, we were walking down the road normally, but the next we were freaking out." That was odd. "C'mon, it just has to be some weird coincidence." Kenny shook his head. "No, I was talking to Jimmy this morning, and he felt the same way. Maybe Stan's dad is drunk again." That got a huge laugh from everyone except Stan. In fact, he seemed unusually quiet today. "Hey Stan, it was just a joke. No need to take it so seriously." Craig said jokingly. But then, Stan forced a painful-looking smile. "I'm fine guys. I'm just tired, alright? I'm going to the bathroom." He said, stalking off without even finishing his food. A weird silence fell over the table. "What's his problem?" Kenny wondered out loud. "I don't know. He's been acting weird all morning. I'll talk to him after school." I said.

The bell rang, and I was getting stuff from my locker when a note fell out of the door. I picked it up. It seemed to be written crudely on a piece of scrap paper. It read:

If you're reading this, it's probably already too late for me.
I believe that I am being hunted. I don't know by what or who, but all I know is that they want me dead as soon as possible. I've made this note because I think you can help me, Kyle. I think you may already know who the killer is. Kyle, protect the school. Protect South Park. Find the killer and stop them. It's too late for me, but it's not for you.

I groaned. Prank notes? Already? On the first day of school? Jeez, some people never take a break. Kenny walked up to me, seeing that I was annoyed. "What's that?" He asked. "Oh nothing. Just a prank note. From Justice, too. She never struck me as the prankster type. Oh well." I said, tossing out the note. Stan suddenly reappeared beside us. "Hey guys." He said. He looked a lot better than he did this morning. "Sorry for the outburst at lunch, I was feeling a bit stressed." Stan said. I smiled. "Hey, it's ok man. How about you come over today and play some video games? It'll make you feel better." I suggested. Stan shook his head. "Sorry guys, but I gotta help my dad with something tonight. Maybe next week?" He said. "Alright. Well, see you tomorrow, I guess." I said, waving goodbye to him.

I hope he's alright.

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