Part 12: Somehow, I'm Alive (Kenny's POV)

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The pain. Oh god, the pain. It's tearing. It's ripping. It's slicing. I can't feel my chest. I can't feel anything. My breathing is labored. My eyes are opening, and my vision is blurry. I see X standing over me, looking even worse than the last time I saw him. Strange liquids drip off his face and land on my skin. The eye that had fallen out of his socket was completely gone. Black insects swirled around his rotting head as he extended a hand to me. "You have fallen deep into Hell, mortal. At this point, your soul should have disentigrated. But, you have endured." He says in a soft, garbled voice. I groan loudly. "Everything...hurts..." I mutter. I cough violently. "Tsk. Come, we shall get you out of here. But it will be a long journey." X muttered. I slowly got to my feet. Everything smelled like rotting flesh and death. But somehow, it was less terrible than the place that Cartman had taken me. I limped to follow X to a large staircase that led upwards to the first layer of Hell. "Usually, only us demons can take the Stairs of Sin." X said. "But you're immortal, so it won't destroy you." I just nodded. I didn't care how, I just wanted to get out here. Cartman...oh, Cartman was going to get the ass-kicking of a lifetime when I saw him...!

As we ascended the steps, X did something strange. "Mortal, did I ever tell you the story of the demon known as Z?" He asked. I was dumbfounded. "Uh, well, you never tell me stories, dude. I thought that wasn't your thing." X laughed his painful, hoarse laugh. "Z was an extremely powerful demon dating back to the midevil times. He was known as the Prince of Insanity, as wherever he went, madness spread like the plauge." X began. "He would travel across Terra-your plane of existence-and spread the disease to as many people as possible. Under his influence, thousands of cities fell to war and terror, families were lost, children suffered, and kind people became bloodthirsty tyrants. For a time, you could even argue that his power was greater than Satan's.

"But Z became a little to big for his britches. As soon as his powers reached their maximum, he challenged Satan to a duel. The winner would be the new ruler of Hell, and would have complete control of the human race. Z was completely confident in his abilities. I thought he was an idiot. Of course that retard lost. He was cast out of Hell for all eternity, never to return. As you know, a demon cannot last out of Hell for more than 24 hours, so eventually, Z died. But not before placing his final curse upon the human race.

"It's said that he transferred his soul into one last human being. It is said that the offspring of that human will be his new incarnation, the Prince of Insanity. Hehe..that bastard never gives up." X finished. Man, what a story. "Uh, exactly why are you telling me this?" I asked. "That's for me to know, and for you to find out. Ah, we are here." X said, bringing me to the portal back to my room. I looked at his rotting face one last time. "Is there something you aren't telling me?" I asked. "Get out of my fucking face, mortal." X demanded. I stepped through the portal, annoyed.

I ran to school as fast as I could, spotting Cartman in the hallway, talking to Butters. I ran up to him, full speed, and tackled him to the ground. "DIE, YOU MURDERING BASTARD!" I demanded, my knees holding down Cartman's arms so he couldn't escape. I socked him in the face over and over, bruising him and making him bleed. "I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU, YOU EVIL MOTHERFUCKER!" I screeched, kneeing him in the groin. He screeched like a little girl. As I raised my arm to aim for his chest, someone grabbed me from behind and yanked me off the fat bastard. Kyle! I struggled for my life against him. "LET ME AT HIM!" I demanded. But Kyle didn't budge. "Dude! Dude! Kenny! Calm down!" Kyle yelled. I was furiously frothing at the mouth. I saw Cartman get up, sobbing like a little bitch. "H-he attacked me out of nowhere!" Cartman accused. "Dude, stop! Look what you did!" Kyle yelled. And for a moment, I did. I saw Cartman's fucked up face and realized I had just become as bad as he has. "Oh shit...oh my god..." I muttered. I stopped struggling and dropped to the floor, vomiting. "Oh my god...I'm evil...I'm so fucking evil..." I muttered. "Dude, dude, chill! Butters is getting a teacher. It's gonna be ok. Just tell me why you attacked him. We can fix this." Kyle said. I almost wanted to believe him. "He killed me." I said. "What?" "He killed me, Kyle. Ripped my intestines out. Stuck nails in my fingers. He killed me." I said, tears streaming from my face. Kyle didn't have a chance to reply, because the teachers had already rushed in. Principal Victoria was horrified. "Boys! What happened here?!" She demanded. Cartman began fake-crying. "I-It was awful, Principal! H-h-he just attacked me out of nowhere!" Principal Victoria looked at me strangely. "Kenny? Is this true?" She asked. "Yeah. But it doesn't matter." I said. I yanked out my favorite knife. Nobody will remember this. I told myself. I swiped the knife across my throat, killing myself instantly.

It's nice to take the easy way out sometimes.

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