Special Chapter: Clyde Frog and Heart in a Bag (???'s POV)

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I'm lying on the cold, concrete floor sobbing. Twitching. Shivering. It's cold down here, even if we're only in my basement. I'm chewing on my fingers, tearing tiny pieces of skin off for consumption. Good. Good. Mmm. A voice calls out to me in the darkness. "By holy god, you truly are fucked up, aren't you? I used to think that perhaps you truly had a chance at redemption. Perhaps you could come clean and repent. But for fuck's sake, look at yourself. You're eating your own goddamn skin!" Said a voice in a thick French accent. It was Heart in a Bag, my archenemy. "SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU STUPID BITCH!" I screamed. I hated hearing his voice. He always had something mean to say. Hey, am I bleeding? Yes, I am...aaaahhhh... "Don't listen to him! You're perfectly fine just the way you are! You're the coolest, awesomest, most popular person in school! He doesn't know what he's talking about!" Said Clyde Frog, my one true friend. "Don't be daft, you stupid animal! He kills people for amusement and pleasure. He is not fine the way he is. In fact, why doesn't he just die? He deserves to burn in hell!"
"Oh my god! Don't listen to him, he speaks slander, I say! Slander!"
"WILL YOU BOTH JUST SHUT UP?!" I demanded. "Can't I just have one fucking peaceful day without you both arguing?! You both are more annoying than Jew-tard!" I said, curling up. "Don't listen to them. They are stupid buttholes and they don't know what they're saying." I promised myself. "Pfft, you're the 'stupid butthole,' my friend. Just end it all here. Look over to your left." Heart in a Bag said. I looked over and saw my favorite knife lying on the ground. "You wanna make us shut up? Just insert that into your throat, and we'll stop." He promised. I picked up the knife and aimed it at my throat. "Noooooo! Don't do it! If you do it you'll die!! Don't you understand? He's going to kill you!" Clyde Frog screamed. "Will you shut up? I'm trying to make a fucking descion here!" I said. I looked at the tip of the knife. "Yes, YES! Do it you little pussy, DO IT!!" Demanded heart in a bag. "Noo!! Save yourself!" Screamed Clyde Frog.

"You're too scared to fucking do it!"

"Don't listen to him! Put the knife down!"

"I bet you won't! You're a pussy!"

"Save yourself!"

"Kill yourself!"

I dropped the knife, and looked up to the celing. I started chuckling. Then snickering. Then, full on laughing. I laughed so hard I cried. I turned to Heart in a Bag. "You know what? I'll bite." I said, dragging the knife across my wrist. Heart in a Bag laughed hysterically, while Clyde Frog screamed. "There. I gave you what you wanted. Now give me what I want." I said to him. "What is it?" He replied. My smile widened. "Die." I demamded. I ran up to Heart in a Bag and stomped on him over and over again until he was nothing but a red, bloody pulp. I laughed all the while. "Stupid cow heart, always trying to convince me to die!" I said. Clyde Frog cheered me on as blood covered him. When I finished, Clyde looked at me happily. "Good! Good! Now we can finally move on witn our lives." He said. I laughed again. "'We?' Who said anything about we?" I asked. I grabbed the knife and stabbed Clyde frog over and over again. He screamed and begged for his life, but I didn't budge. And then, he stopped breathing. I laughed and and laughed. And I began to cry. "Boy, I really am insAne, aren't I?" I asked myself. "Of course you're not." Said a kindly old voice. I looked up to see Cockroach, my new best friend. "You're as sane as you'll ever be."

I screamed. "STOP TALKING TO ME!!" I grabbed the cockroach and bit off its head and chewed up its body, spitting it out afterwards. Then, I heard hundreds of voices, all talking about how much they loved eating cow hearts. I looked over to see them, hundreds of cockroaches, all talking at once. My vision began to flash. I covered my ears, but the voices kept talking. My screams were drowned out by their constant chattering. They began to crawl on me, and they began peeling my skin and eating me alive! My screams were drowned out my the endless droning on of thousands of tiny voices saying how delicious my skin was, talking to each other all at once. They crawled into the back of my throat and the corneas of my eyes. I couldn't even let out a peep as the pain simply tore me apart...

"Eric? Eric sweetheart?" Diane called.

I opened my eyes, and saw that the room around me was completely empty. Heart in a Bag and Clyde Frog were sitting on their respective stools, simply staring at me, as if they were inanimate objects. "Eric, I'm going to the store. Do you need anything?" Diane called from upstairs. My lower eye twitched violently. "No, mom. Nothing at all." I replied, looking at my reflection in the puddle on the ground. "Alright sweetie, I'm going." She said, leaving the house.

Sweat that had beaded up on my face fell from it, dripping into the cool puddle. Did any of that...happen? My shivering turns to laughter, and the laughter turns to hysterics.

"I truly am insane.." I mutter to myself.

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