Part 7: Cartman and Butters...? (Stan's POV)

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I dashed right past my friends and ran as fast as I could to Cartman's house. How dare he abuse a human like this...! Butters chased after me, yelling at me and begging me to stop. Kyle followed close behind, with Tweek and Craig tailing. I saw Butters behind me as I was approaching Cartman's house, sobbing hysterically. I then slammed right into his door. Cartman opened the door, looking confused. Butters ran inside, and dove behind Cartman. I stood up, and wiped myself off. Cartman gave me a weird look. "What seems to be the problem, Stan? Finally decided to come crawling back to me?" He said. I gritted my teeth. "You've been torturing Butters, you fat asshole! Starving him, eating his flesh...what the actual fuck is wrong with you?" I screamed. At this point, everyone else had caught up. "What's going on, Stan?" Craig asked. "Oh, it's nothing my friend. Stan's just being crazy and accusing me of stuff I didn't do." Cartman accused. I glared at him. "I'm not making this up! Butters told me that you're torturing him! I wouldn't put it past you, fatass." I yelled. Tweek, Kyle, and Craig all gave me a confused look. "Uh, yeah, Stan, he's an asshole, but Cartman doesn't torture people." Tweek said. Craig nodded his agreement. "Oh come on....! You guys remember what happened with Scott Tenorman, right?!" I looked to Kyle for support, but he just shrugged. I looked back at Butters. He stepped forward. "He...he....hahahaha! I knew y-you wouldn't get it." He said weakly. "This whole thing was just a joke. I'm fine. Really." I stared at him. "What? No. There's no way that was all a joke." Cartman laughed. "Oh Stan, you're one not to get sophisticated humor, aren't you? It makes sense, since you're such a stupid asshole." He declared. Butters glared at me. "You really a-a-are dumb." He said softly. Cartman turned away from us. "Now if you excuse us, gentlemen, we've got intellectual things to do." Cartman said before laughing maniacally and slamming the door.

"....Well that's that I guess." Craig said. Kyle sighed heavily. "I hate that bastard." He said. The other kids turned away and started leaving.

At home, I couldn't help but think that Butters was lying. But why did he suddenly act so mean to me at the last second? That hurt so much. It hurts. Oh my god it hurt. I'm so stupid. Why did I ever think I had a shred of intelligence? I'm no smarter than a dirty gym sock. God I hate myself. I hate this useless, useless body I was stuck in. Stab it, and it bleeds. It doesn't even hurt anymore. Which is why I'm jabbing it into myself, trying so hard to feel something. But all I can feel are my jumbled thoughts, jumping through my brain. As I fall asleep, my thoughts are interrupted by a familiar voice telling me things that I already know. Nobody loves me. I'm just a stupid, worthless, tumor on the skin of life. I ruined everything. I usually tell myself these things, but it hurts so much coming from someone else.

But that's really what I wanted.

((Butters' POV))
Chained to the walls, I ask God once again to kill me. But God abandoned me after I came out. That's what my dad told me, anyway. He comes downstairs, I can hear his heavy footsteps. I breathe heavily, and try to cry. My eyes are out of tears. He grabs my arm, and licks it seductively. "I guess I know why they call you 'Butters' now." He says. He pulls out the kitchen knife, and begins to cut. I can't scream anymore, I know it's all in vain. Just one tiny piece is all he takes. He savors every last bite, every chew. "You certainly taste like it." He says, mouth full with my skin. I shake violently. No matter how many times he does it, it still hurts to see him eating me like that. "But, I'm still hungry today." My eyes widen. "U-u-uh, take as much as you'd like." I say. "No..not for that. Butters, do you know what my sexuality is?" I don't know where this is going, so I just tell him no. "I'm Bisexual, of course. I may have dated a lovely girl before, maybe have even stuck my penis in her vagina. But, I've never had gay sex before. It's something I've wanted to try for a long time. I've been trying to save myself for him..but I just can't wait any longer, Butters." He said, smiling widely. Suddenly, I put two and two together. "No..NO! Please, don't do this! Eat as much of me as you want, just don't do that! Please!" I begged. He thought about it for a minute, then nodded. "You know what Butters, you're right. I'll save myself for Kyhle. But you've been naughty today, Butters. And If I can't eat your ass, then I'll eat your kidney." He said. "" I begged. He only laughed maniacally. "AHAHAHAHA!! You think you have a choice? By God, Butters, you're an idiot. You're my boyfriend. You have no choice." He took me and chained me to the dirty, bloody matress. "All my lovers have given up their bodies for my consumption. Your kidney is  just the side dish, my little friend. Tonight, I shall feast." He said, smiling widely. Drool came out of all corners of his mouth. He pulled out a scalpel. "Let's see what's on the menu today, shall we? GAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

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