Part 14: The Strange Disappearance of Butters Stotch (Kyle's POV)

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Ok, so, It's been a week now, and everyone is super worried. It seemed to happen out of nowhere. One day, Butters was hanging out with Cartman at school like normal, the next he just completely disappears. Nobody knows where he had went. But a few things about his personal life was revealed during the investigation. One, once he came out to his parents, his dad had kicked him out, and he wasn't allowed to come home. Which cleared up why his parents had no idea where he was. They were devastated. His dad was sorry for everything he had done, and desperately wishes he could take it all back. It was kind of too late, though. The investigation eventually led to Cartman as a suspect. I mean, he had spent a lot of time with him. They searched his house top to bottom, but nobody could find any incriminating evidence. They even interrogated him. The investigation had only been open for a little while and the police were already starting to think that it was going to lead nowhere. And so, with that, flyers were posted all around town, reading:

  Butters Stotch
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Last Seen: South Park High School
If you have information on the whereabouts of this missing person, please contact the South Park police department at 555-5555. There is a $500 reward for any new information given.

Needless to say, we were all pretty shook up by this development. It seemed like all kids could talk about nowadays was just the whereabouts of Butters. Many rumors floated around, some more wacky than others. But most of then revolved around Cartman in one way or another, which is why many of us were avoiding him like the plauge. He didn't talk much during that time, and he always just seemed to be looking at his shoes. People would ask him questions about Butters, and he'd answer them, but sometimes the answers would be really vauge.

I, for one, needed the truth.

On Friday, I went up to Cartman, prepared with my questions. I didn't expect anything different than what he had already been telling people, I just needed to get under his skin a little. I went up to him at his locker, the one he had shared with Butters up until his disappearance. "Cartman." I said. He turned to me with the angriest look I could imagine plastered on his face. "Ah, Kyle. You finally decided to talk to me?" He said angrily. I took a deep breath. "Do you know where Butters is?" I asked. He just laughed. "What have I been telling everybody else? No, I don't know where he is, Jew boy." He said. "Why are the police so interested in you as a suspect?" I asked. He seemed to be getting angrier now. "Are you fucking serious? You haven't spoken to me in three years and the second you do decide to be my friend again, it's to ask me retarded questions like this?" I began to get a little angry, too. I reminded myself to keep my cool. "Just answer the question, Cartman." I said. He laughed again. "Look, Jew-tard. I don't know why the police are suspecting me. I didn't do anything. Now, if you don't have any apologies to make, I suggest that you just walk away." I bit my lip. Jew-tard?! What a fucking asshole! "Cartman, I swear to god, you're going to burn in Hell for this. I know you know something. Butters is going to die if you don't say something!" I screeched. Cartman burst out laughing again. "Now, that's the Kyle I know! Trust me, I don't know anything. Now run along, you stupid Jew. Before you get hurt." I stamped my foot and left the fat bastard there. Whatever. I shouldn't have even tried to talk to him. Any time I do, I just wind up exhausted and angry.

Stan, Kenny and I met up inside the Tweak family's coffee shop to discuss what had happened that day. "Well, if Cartman is hiding something, he's done a good job covering his tracks." Stan said. "Nobody can prove a thing, and the police have pretty much given up at this point." I simply nodded. "I mean, it's not like I think he hasn't done anything, but we can't prove a thing, you know? Maybe we're wrong and he's innocent." I said, scribbling on a piece of paper, annoyed. Kenny simply sipped his coffee, and added more sugar to it. "Kenny, you haven't said a thing. Are you ok?" I asked. Kenny shook his head. "I'm sorry guys. I'm just not feeling very well. I'm gonna go take off, okay?" He said. Stan and I looked at each other. "Well, okay then. Call us later, alright?" I said. Kenny just took his coffee and left. Stan looked at me worriedly. "Jeez, he's getting just as bad as I am." Stan said. I nodded. "Should we follow him? I mean, he's really been taking this hard. But, I mean, it's not like we have any proof that Butters is dead or anything." I said. Stan shook his head. "If I know anything about feeling that way, then I could assume he just wants to be alone. Let him be." Stan said, right before his phone rang. "Excuse me." He said answering it. "Hello? Uh, no dad-dad, chill out. Use your words....Oh my god, are you serious? Oh my god!" Stan swallowed hard. "I'll be right there..." he hung up the phone. He had turned green in the face, and his eyes were wide. He was shaking violently. "Stan, what's wrong-" I began, right before my phone rang. I answered it. "Hello?" I said. It was my mother. "Kyle! Oh my god, Kyle! It's horrible! You have to come over right now!" I was shocked. "Mom, mom! Chill out. What's going on?" I asked. "The blood, oh my god, I think that's Butters's clothes!" She screeched. My stomach dropped. Oh no... "I'll be right over." I said. Stan and I left the coffee shop to go to our houses.

As I arrived at my house, I panicked as I saw police cars lined up on my driveway. I entered the house. "Mom! What's going on?!" I asked. The policemen were surrounding a spot on the floor. Ike had passed out on the ground. I pushed past the officers to see something beyond disgusting. Beyond my wildest imagination.

Half of Butters's mutilated corpse lie on the ground, and it seemed to be rotting. The stench almost knocked me out cold. There was a pool of black blood surrounding the corpse, which was cut from the chest up. There seemed to be large pieces of the flesh missing, and there were large puncture holes on the body. I threw up on the ground behind me. My mom helped me up when I was finished. We were both sobbing, crying our eyes out. "Why?! Oh dear god, why?!" I demanded. Ike was beginning to come to, and he started screaming as he woke up. The one thing I didn't see was the black blood on the wall to my far left that read, "Liar!!"

It turns out that the lower half of Butters's body was found in Stan's house. It was in the same rotting, mutilated condition.

The funeral was short. Everyone in town showed up. There wasn't a dry eye as what was left of Butters's corpse was lowered into the ground. Even Cartman was there, not saying a word.

Autopsy results showed signs that Butters had committed suicide, and then the corpse was stolen and pieces of the flesh were removed. Eventually, someone from the North side of town came forward. His name was James Bane, and he was well known for being a Nazi sympathizer. The monster was taken into custody and, after a relatively short trial, was given the death sentence. But something about this simply didn't add up to me. It just didn't seem right. The cannibal was found all too quickly, it shouldn't have been that easy. Stan kept telling me that it was over, that it didn't matter anymore. But I just couldn't help myself.

I knew that it wasn't him.

Who ate Butters?

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